
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:35:41
改错:In mid-December,Austranlian students enjoy their six-week Winter holiday. All their attempts to _____ the child from the burning building were in vainA. regainB. recoverC. rescueD. reserve All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were__A.in vain B.for C.in return D.in place我选A,正确答案是B.why?All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were__ .He dies soon afterwards.A.in vain B.for He sacrifices his life trying to save the children form burning house.帮忙分析一下句子的结构我的理解是trying现在分词做结果状语form burning house是地点状语 The soldier risked ___ to save the child.A、his life B、 to lose his life C、life D、/为什么选A?请翻译 Shanghai is really a fanscinating city and we've decided to stay for ( )two weeksA.another b.other c.the other d .other's 1.He rescued three children from the burning building.改成被动语态 Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we've decided to stay for ________ two weeks.A.another B.other C.the other D.other's The city is so nice that we decided to stay for another two weeksanother 为什么不能改成other other不是也有“另外”的意思么 少年闰土!深蓝的天空中挂着一轮金黄的圆月,下面是海边的沙地,都种着一望无际的碧绿的西瓜.其间有一个十一二岁的少年,项戴银圈,手捏一柄钢叉,向一匹猹用力地刺去.那猹却将身一扭,反从 How is the old man now?I regre to tell you he ____though the doctor did all they could to save him.A was dead B died C had died D has been dead单选解析为什么不选A write a paragraph about whales 英语翻译就这四个单词 谁有《少年闰土》全文? 谁能吧郭小川的《闪耀吧,青春的火光》全文给我如题,要全文. 郭小川《秋日谈心》全文 九年级英语38页3b怎么写?3b问题是:Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using t...九年级英语38页3b怎么写?3b问题是:Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using these notes.Chu family — late-night footsteps in the hallw 惊动的近义词是什么 肉体虽早已腐朽化为乌有,  生之灵火却悄然潜行在地下,  黑色的躯壳裹藏着生命的信息,  为历史留下一串珍贵的密码.简要概括主要内容 Guess what ! I came across an old friend at the party last night. ( )! I'm sure you had a wonderfultime.A Sounds good B Very well C How nice D All right解释下每个的情境用法,谢谢! 娇小的近义词是神马? -- Guess what!I came across an old friend at the party last night.-- ____ I'm sure you had a I'm your good friend.Withhout me,you can't open the door.Guess.What am ‘‘博学而笃志,切问而近思,仁在其中矣.’’的意思是什么? 既然chinese goverment认为“和平统一是两岸人的共同心愿”,chinese goverment 为什么又反对taiwan“公投”呢?这不等于说我认为你爱我,但是我又不允许你口头表白一样吗? goverment-launched lotteries benefit China 还有一句话就是 they maintain that the TV talent show today is like that risen to its flood level 救命啊 燃眉之急 The China goverment have legal 中文意思是什么 中国丽水市人民政府赠 的英语 a present from people's goverment grant of lishui china 这样是不是对的grant 去掉可以吗 留着可以吗 问朝花夕拾的概括要每个小篇的概括 150字每个左右 急 快 ~~~~~~~~~ It seemed that he had been told all ------.A.what happend B.had happend C.that had happened D.what had happend 请提供正确答案和解析,My answer is also D.But the true answer is C.I don't know why?Who can tell me?D 的 happened 为什么错了 My throat was on fire.怎么翻译 when my son was a baby,his room was on fire one day.的中文翻译是什么