
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:30:41
I worked from morning till night.转换成同义句 西班牙语前景如何主要应用国家 应用领域 未来发展前景 秋天的思考 秋天,金色的秋天,是五谷丰登的美好时光,是百果飘香的幸福日子.走进银镰翻搅金波的稻田谷地秋天的思考 秋天,金色的秋天,是五谷丰登的美好时光,是百果飘香的幸福日子.走进银 秋天,金色的秋天,是五谷丰登的美好时光;秋天,金色的秋天,是百果飘香的幸福日子.走进银镰翻搅金波的 英语按要求转换句子:(变为一般疑问句)I'm Sunny Green.我已经写好了一个,Are you Sunny Green?如果不对就帮我改过来, Kelly Hall is 31 accountant(会计师).She works in a bank in town.She is 32 from morning till night 西班牙语在4-5年后的发展前景怎样?在国内的就业怎样?待遇怎样?对这方面人才的需求怎样? Combine each pair of sentences.1.she had apologized for having broken her promise,I was happy to forgive her.2.The crowd grew.The noise made could be heard for miles.3.I wish that I could have received this letter.The office closed for the day.4.she Combine each pair of sentences into one6.The moon became the first body in space.Man set foot on it.7.The Basic Science Series includes 16 scientific topics.Each of them is a complete information book.8.The Earth is a beautiful planet.We live on the The rain poured down last night 缩短句子!.. Rewrite each pair of sentences,using the restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clause B___ it or not ,we were left waiting in the rain for two hours _______ had the father arrived than the rain poured down. join each pair of sentences, using neither---nor:请帮忙谢谢(1) that book isn't interesting, this one isn't interesting, either.(2) this shirt doesn't fit me, that one doesn't fit me, either.(3) jack hasn't seen the film, I haven't seen it , eith Join each pair of sentences using a Noun Clause as Appositive.EXAMPLE:The famous British singer will come to China./The news is very exciting.The news that the famous British singer will come to China is very exciting.1 Two thirds of all girls in Bri It has kept (raining) for two hours.为什么rain要加ing? The major differences and similarities between the United Kingdom and the United States.要具体的总结 改正句子中用错的关联词我不但参加了课外兴趣小组,而且还了拣一个钱包. 他非常关爱群众,因为,群众都愿意同他接近.改正下列句子中用错的关联词 改正句子中用不得不恰当的关联词.即使没有你,也不知道他们会变成什么样. 修改下面句子中用错的关联词语.1.即使你对他有意见,你就提出来.2.只要你一心一意为大家服务,才会得到同学们的信任.3.如果他今天生病了,所以没来上课. 英语翻译翻译一下句子 there should be no more than three shakes up and down 我们要热爱地球.我们要保护地球.用关联词连成一句话 swiat zapomniany 是什么意思啊 He waited in the rain ( )hours 5.对下列广告词修辞方法及作用分析不正确的一项是 ( ) A.汽车刹车广告——生命安5.对下列广告词修辞方法及作用分析不正确的一项是 ( ) A.汽车刹车广告——生命安全的保护神.(运用拟 六年级上第六课生字查字典音序,音节,部首,几画,组词,在字典上的页码 After driving in the rain for 24 hours ,he did arrive home ____________.A.safe B.safely C.with safe D.safety 为什么选A、、 与 “青春、生命” 有关的广告语某电视台即将开播一档与“青春、生命” 有关的主题节目,目前正在征集广告语.请你动笔试一试,至少写三条应征的广告语. 只有一个地球.我们要热爱地球.保护地球.用关联词连起来 I am really tired__Tom.he had me __for two hours in the rain.A.of waiting D .of wait 但是我觉得是B 为什么呢had是过去式 不是证明事情已经过去了吗?为什么不用wait? i can't understand why he had me ----- for two hours in the rainA wait Bwaiting Cto wait D waited