
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:31:36
Happiness is important for your healthy正确吗?还是Happiness is important to your healthy词语是仁爱教科书上的,为啥用for because the pronunciation of "clock"is like that of "death"in Chinese.中文 有没有somebody would rather have somebody do something这样的用法? 帮推荐几首闽南歌 英语翻译如题,汉译英 three sixths of the books is hers为什么要把is变成are,而且为什么用sixths,而不用sixth? I don't want to use your pen ,I want A somebody else'sB somebody's else'sC anybody else'D anybody's else's为什么 额 、 Three books are interesting,but the rest _______ not very good.A is B are C be I want to b___ your pen pal. I want to use your pen.Could you p_________ in to me?应该填什么 I want to be your pen firend. 求“从滥竽充数的故事说到打假为题目作文要800字 滥竽充数这篇文章的体裁属于急 谁知道信息技术的基本特征是什么?10个 老师讲would like to do rather than do那可不可以 拓展 为:want to do rather than dolike to do rather than do? 以班门弄斧新解,见风使舵辩,滥竽充数辩为话题的短文 300字左右有没有其他的 见风使舵,班门弄斧,滥竽充数的新解,运用求异思维,结合实际,辩证分析 从下列成语中任选一个,提炼出新的寓意 班门弄斧 见风使舵 滥竽充数 (100字) “滥竽充数”“见风使舵”“班门弄斧”的新解? Even a second is very important.帮忙翻译下? 班门弄斧 见风使舵 滥竽充数 驳论的材料班门弄斧 见风使舵 滥竽充数 驳论 新的理解 要实际的事情 不要空谈 I think I should leave you!Even if you are very important to me!大致意思? 知识就是力量 表明信息具有什么性?价值性 共享性 传递性 …… 急. 信息的可共享性是什么,举例说明 出租车公司在出租车上装GPS,这样可以知道出租车的准确位置,这体现信息的什么特征?A、共享性 B、价值性 C、不完整性 D、真伪性 用pefer to do rather than do 和would rather do than do各造个句子 涵义的涵.笔顺是怎么写? 涵字多少笔画 想要一些欧洲姓氏如题,最好多一点.希望是比较有特色的,最好不要什么布莱克、怀特什么比较常见的.另外需要中文英文都有. On your,i want to say,i have been bery seriously. have been to,have gone to和want的区别 ____your mother____there?A.have;been B.have;been to C.has;been Dhas;been to