
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:16:43
1、It’s (a quarter past ten .)(对括号提问)2、She often (goes shopping )after supper.(对括号提问)3、I go to school (by bus).(对括号提问)4、I start class at eight o’clock.(用8:30改写句子)I start a quarter past five中文是什么 我想租个门面,题目是写(房屋租赁协议)还是写(房屋租赁合同).再给我一个内容简单还要比较清楚的(房屋租赁协议书).最好是受法律保护的哦.注:后面是附带住房的 . 上了年纪但未结婚的女人用英文如何表示 a quarter past six的意思 所有人都很高兴用英语怎么说 英语六级比四级难多少? 冀教版英语七年级上册第八单元48课课文翻译,重点短语、句子文章内容:People speak English as their first language in many countries. These English-speaking countries are all over the world. S a quarter past ten近义词急! 心变冰冷英语怎么说 英语翻译英文翻译,不要按翻译机, 有一个人说英语翻译如题 可怕的女人用英语怎么说如题 恐惧会让人做出可怕的事用英语怎么说? 你是个可怕的人用英语怎么说?如题.女人也能用? 吓人的用英语怎么说 请问英语6级的难度比四级大多少? 英语翻译有爱并不一定有一个完美的婚姻,而一个完美的婚姻一定有爱,雨哦的人说婚姻是爱的结束,但是我不这样认为,我认为婚姻是爱的延续,爱是永恒的 用英语翻译情不自禁地提起了婚姻话题 打电话用语到底问别人你是谁,用who is this 还是who is that 他们有什么区别吗 英语翻译如题,200-300字最好初3水平左右,中文意思 帮我翻译成夏威夷语劳驾高手``帮我把以下词语翻译成夏威夷语``普通网友棒棒堂常聊的朋友初中同学鬼王黑糖玛奇朵旧友小学同学陌生人黑名单麻烦你们了``很着急啊! 我很高兴被邀请来参加你的婚礼 .翻译 用英文翻译“如果有机会,大家可以去夏威夷旅游“ 2 _______ what they're talking about .A.They're B.This'sC.There's D.That's What are they talking about?()A The story was told by JohnB The story telling by JohnC The story told by John希望哪位朋友帮选下~再翻译下~期待 ——what they are talking about A.they are Bthis is Cthere is Dthat is 大学过四级英语听力能力如何提高,多听听力会不会使听力下降,导致听力水平更加不行呢. 听力一直不太好,四级考过了要考六级,可是六级的听力怎么办呀?是听四级的还是六级的? 今年12月的大学四级英语 多题多卷 听力怎么考 what's this? what's that? what's these? what's those? what'they?的英语答案(全部哦!)谢谢了what's this?what's that?what's these?what's those?what'they?的英语答案(全部哦!)谢谢了! 英语 名词语法,答:it is a pair of chopsticks.那么应该怎么问:what's this 还是 what are these 如果不知道别人怎么回答,你指着筷子应该问:what's this ,还是 what are these