
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:26:40
太阳出来后还有露水吗?为什么会?同上 是露珠在早上先出来还是先出太阳?如题,顺便问下,朝霞、太阳、露珠排序,应该哪个最先在早上出来? 若b等于3,求b的值(精确到百分位) 五年级采集树种180千克,三分之一是五一班采的,五一班采集的比五二班少五分之一,五二班采集了多少千克? 同学们采集树种,五一班采集了八分之五千克,五二班采集的比五一班少采集十分之一千克,两班共采集多少千克树种?(用解方程解答) 数学问题(八年级)急!分解因式(m+n)(m²-mn+n²)-n²(m+n) (1-1/5²)(1-/6²)(1-1/7²)(1-1/8²).(1-1/2012²) 0.998精确到百分位是1.00,根据小数的性质,可以写作1. 一支队伍长450m,以每秒1.5m的速度前进,一名通讯员从排尾到头送信,送到后立即返回到排尾,他的速度为每秒3m,求通讯员的往返时间? 连词成句.1.sorry,I’m,going,are,tomorrow(.)2.where,you,going,are,tomorrow(?)3.they,are,years,seventeen,old,)4.are,the,ducks,doing,what(?) are tomorrow going Where youare tomorrow going Where you 连词成句 关于“生命”话题的文章(600字) 南方有没有松树急死了、、、、 小学数学探究式教学在课堂教学中存在的问题及解决策略 《假如给我三天光明》海伦除了贝利和莎莉文以外,最尊敬的人是【 】 the,where,are,books连词成句 象声词四字的 怎样回答Where are the books?在书柜上bookcase jim's are books where 连词成句 海伦 的 假如给我三天光明 怎样回答?第二学期 华东师大版 一课一练上的题 what do Mr and Mrs Black help their sons and daughter with? Mr.and Mrs.Green are worried that their daughter is recently ______ with a suspicious guy.选项:a、going on b、 going through c、 going out d、 going down 四个字的象声词有什么 are Mr.black,Mrs.black,thier son Tony and their daughter Betty前面是填 they还是 these,为什么? Mr and Mrs Wang want to buy their daughter a skirt.They walk into a c___1___ shop and h___2___a look.There are many different k___3___of skirts in it.They want to buy a blue skirt because they like the c___4___.But they don’t buy it at last(最后) 四个字的象声词例:叽里呱啦 描写水的象声词(四个字,ABAB式) 大棚番茄叶片边缘为什么卷曲? 温室番茄叶片萎蔫什么原因 温室大棚番茄晚上打药好不好啊 如果打了该怎么办?打了之后番茄头叶片扭曲怎么办啊? 急 谢了! The small children don't know_ A.what is their stockings in.B.what is in their stockings.C.where is their stockings in.D.what is in their stockings. 这句话有语病没?The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这句话的宾语从句算是陈述语气吗?