
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:47:56
The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but() a lot of speciaA、share B、spare C、.hold D、carryThe British people and the American people not only speak the same language but() a lot of special customs America and British are both western (c ) English America People in speak连词成句 灵格斯辞典有没有英法词典啊 灵格斯词典是英音还是美音? 灵格斯词典转换我的灵格斯下了 英汉 与 法汉 两个词典如果打进chance 就会优先显示英语的翻译(机会)而我想看法语的翻译(运气)要怎么换? 关于冬天的儿歌和故事 冬天的太阳微微笑是什么儿歌 写一首冬天在哪里儿歌 骑自行车从我家到学校需要15分钟 It ____ ____ 15 minutes ____ ____ from my home to school by bike. he goes to school by bike改成同义句he _____ ______ ______ ______ school He rides a bike to school的同义句是什么? (4)完形填空 What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to  1  at home,but others like to go(4)完形填空What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to  1  at home,but others like to go  2  a walk or play football. My friend Some () like to be at home during the holidays A.person B.people 谁有春天儿歌, Some people like to stay at home,some would like to go for go picnic,__like to do sports.(other) 春天是什么(童谣) 春天有什么儿歌?不要小燕子和春天在哪里!歌曲也行! 描写春天景色的儿歌 全英文的英语词根字典RT 要很权威的那种 我就搜到朗文好像有一本? 实体的或者是电子的都可以 大感谢OTZ 哪里有英语词根词典 大家推荐一本英语词根字典,关键是要全. 英语词根有字典吗 我不跟你聊了,我要做作业,下次聊,再见.用英语怎么说 I always ride my bike to school,I﹙﹚go by bus.A.never B.sometimes C.usually i ride a bike to go to school. i ride a bike to school.两句有什么区别吗?都对吗? Go to school by bike.与 Ride bike to school.有何区别 I usually go to school______ A,ride the bike B.on bike C.on the bike D.by the bikeI usually go to school______A,ride the bike B.on bike C.on the bike D.by the bike为什么 英语翻译Human ingenuity allows some people to make use of pollution . many of the world's pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people谁有这篇完型的全文 跪求~~ 怎样写童谣是表达爱国,爱党,爱家乡的童谣.要求语言流畅,内容健康,易于演唱.在3月25日之前发上来 怎样写儿歌?请问怎样写儿歌呢?急·急·急