
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:41:55
形容人品德不好的词有哪些?如忘恩负义.过河拆桥.见利忘义等 请教一句我不太理解的英文If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone...翻译是:如果你能让你的信你的精力你的体格在消沉很久后重新投入你的事业...我的疑问是 我们是一家小饰品制作厂,现有一份有关塑料制品的说明书需要翻译成英文,找北京可以合作的翻译公司. 谁能帮我起一个西班牙语名字!我是女生,我姓李,我想起一个特别一点的名字.我的英文名是Joyce. 英语翻译Their very survival depended on success in thehunting-field.这里的very如何翻译? 长沙哪里有老鼠药卖啊,那种原来的老鼠药大神们帮帮忙你们应该看得懂我的意思把. 有几个很基础的英语想问问,不太理解.希望附上解说!2.Glance at the ____,and one can get a rough idea of what a book is about.A.list of content B.list of contents C.lists of content D.list of the content 为什么是选B,而不是选 Willy the first party in his life tomorrow night.A.gives B.is giving C.has given D.has been giving Willy 什么the first party in his life tomorrow nightA.is going B.has givenC.has been givenD.is given请问一下选哪个,可一定要给下理由啊 I am sure Mary _____ (invite) to the party tomorrow Mary can’t attend the party _____ at Tom’s house at present ______ at Jenny’s house tomorrow.A.being held; to be held 这句话省略了and吗?可以这样省略的吗?怪怪的 Mary ____ __to your birthday party tomorrow.怎么填 英语翻译黑色的包廉价出售仅卖10美元.用英语翻译the black bags for only 10 dollars.一个?代表一条横线,就是填的单词 英语翻译 We have many great _______(特色菜) in the restaurantMary didn't ______(出现)at the meeting until 10o'clock把下列句子改为否定句!Both Bill and mike have been to Canada_____Bill _____Mike ____been to CanadaCindy has already f We have great ()() girls! 卖老鼠药是什么意思?有时候说一个人是卖老鼠药的 说的是什么意思 好像去河南地方的话 河北地理概况 这个英文句子不太理解The monarchy is something of an anachronism these days.these days有什么用呢?修饰谁的? At that time,I couldn' remember_____.A.where do i first meet RoseB.when i first met ROSE C.when did i first meet ROSE D.where i first meet ROSE为什么选B而不选D啊!要有理由哦~ 拜托啦!有谁知道印度的地理概况?寒假作业要用! 一个英语句子不太理解But in this case,we have a very different picture of what seems to be a deliberate attempt to create an impression that there was a link by falsifying the data. where did you meet Matyfor the first time?It's on the farm____we worked together?A:that B:where Cwhich D:/应该选哪个?为什么 东亚地理概况 急求尽量全面 谢谢 英语句子 不太明白i wanted you to be the first to knowto be 怎么翻译为什么用to be 1.two students meet for the first time at the beginning of term.为什么是meet for而不是meet in呢?为什么term前面不加the呢?2.give my regards to your parents.可不可以把give 替换成send呢?3.once you are in here.为什么要加in呢 几个英语句子不太明白wreckage of a Henan Airline plane burns agter it crashed on Tuesday night in Yichun这句话为什么用 burns,而不是burntinitial media reports said there were survivorsthere were survivors怎么翻译?像我第一个 天天被妈妈逼着学英语,可是成绩还是上不去,怎么办才好呢? what do people do when they meet _______ the first time A.at B.in C.for D.on 谁能分析一下这个英文句子?我不太明白原句是这样:When selecting your answer from among several in a multiple choice test,always seek the word that is nesrest or most appropriate.我特别是对“answer from among several in a mu 我不喜欢英语可是我妈妈总是逼着我学习英语3年级时我英语还不错结果他越逼我我越不想学渐渐地我5年级的英渐渐地我5年级的英语还没不到4年级的水平现在我对英语一点兴趣都没有了见到 少儿学英语都有哪些方法,想让他主动些,不想天天逼着他去学 我是男的,谁帮我取个英文名我叫邱泓杰 巨蟹座 好的话悬赏还可以加的 谢谢 要a开头 翻译成中文的名字要好听点 要短点要a开头啊 2楼你耍我 你那翻译过来是.短点啊