
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:14:17
英语翻译翻译(不要直译):No act is too small,no kindness too insignificant,no positive word too uninspired. A person is a person,no matter how small.生命就是生命,不管多小.是这样翻译 'No act of kindness,no matter how small,is ever wasted. 探索月球奥秘 综合性学习 急学习完本单元,七年级(6)班准备以学习小组为单位于12月5日下午四点整,在学校科技楼一楼开展一次“探索月球奥秘”主题知识竞赛,相信你一定会积极参与.(1 战争题材 用简洁的语言写最感动的故事 不知道怎么写语文综合性学习啊,急!为促进我省“文化惠民工程”的实施,开展“献力”文化惠民工程的综合性活动,完成下面题目 1、为吸引更多民众到图书馆学习,请你为馆藏的《骆驼祥 Please tell me what day is tomorrow.Tomorrow?Oh,it's_______.A SaturdayB the first of JanuaryC half past fiveD January first A:Hi,Alice!A nice day,isn`t it?B:Yes.Spring is coming.Plant trees tomorrow,_ A:Tomorrow?TomorrowA:Hi,Alice!A nice day,isn`t it?B:Yes.Spring is coming.Plant trees tomorrow,_A:Tomorrow?Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!填入一个句 Feeling nice! l hope u will come here in malaysia soon let me know after you get your ticke求租翻译一下哦 envelope是 envelope的复数 I scrambled to think of an answer to what had obviously become a trick question. 于园最后一句能否去掉,为什么 envelope可数吗 If the company wants to fire a person, they have to give hm or her three months' ____________noticeadviceinformationmessage选什么,为什么? If the company wants to fire a person,they have to give him or her three months'_______noticeadviceinformationmessage选什么,为什么? whenever a company wants to fire an employee they have to give him three months'____A.noticeB.adviceC.informationD.messageA这句话的意思是?但是这个句子好像没有 含有提前的意思啊?没有说提前通知这个意思啊? If the boss wants to fire me ,he should get me ____three days before the deadline.A to informB informed 仿写: 中秋的月亮,光洁美丽的容光 送给人们桂花的馨香 带给人们久远的期望 送给人们美好难忘的时光.中秋的月亮,光洁美丽的容光送给人们————————————带给人们————— 上帝是公平的,给芬芳的桂花以素养的形象,给————————————,给——————.根据提供的例句,将你生活中的观察所得写下来. 秋天作者在第一段用了什么修辞手法?起了什么作用? 猫的电源插着,开关也开着,为什么指示灯一个都不亮?电脑能开,猫的连接也正确,电源跟电脑都在一个插座上插着. Sometimes they have ( ) and decide not to talk to each other( )填什么 They have ideas and decide not to talk to each other这里用的是not 为什么不是don't呢? When this land first became a nation after winning its independence from england? 介绍尿蛋白高是怎么回事 尿蛋白为什么会高 德国DHL有什么特点? 初二上英语SOME BODY ELSE为什么 else somebody 不行呢 Jenny went for a holiday in Greece(保持句意不变)Jenny was_____ ______inGreece there are a little food here Let's go s_ tomorrow