
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:05:12
人生价值就是人生在世上拥有多少财富,有多的高的社会地位么 拥有理想的人生一定是充实和有价值的辩题怎么找突破口正方:拥有理想的人生一定是充实和有价值的反方:拥有理想的人生不一定是充实和有价值的我们是反方,求论据,突破口,精彩辩词! i do not want to hurt you ,i'm sorry.please don't hate me now ;for ever It began to blow quiete__ just before midnight.填hard还是hardly? blow hard(吹得猛烈)的近义词近义词也是blow开头的 we don`t usually have to make plans to meet our friends改为肯定句 we have a break and i talk to my friends 实践中为什么会产生法律解释的问题?简答题,“什么是旅游法的解释?实践中为什么会产生法律解释的问题?” 表示可贵精神成语有哪些 最宝贵的时间的成语是什么? 蜜蜂 蜘蛛 知了 螳螂 哪个不是同一类 The mountain looks( )an elephant's trunk 1.He doesn't have to look after his sister.2.He has a brother named Peter.(后)3.she looked the same as her sister 4.he bought some apples for her.5.Our city is short of water 6.she used to be young and beautiful.7.he owns a big house不是用中 把下列句子变成复数形式.Is it a thriller? We made up our minds to go there again next time.同义句We ___ ___ ___three again next time. thriller,trumpet,violin,strawberry,science,opera,kid复数形式 this student ofthe goes to a movie on weekend 变复数形式 the students want to see 对a thriller 提问 翻译:生活在这样的居民区是好的 列举隋朝时期的两项工程或建筑的作用和意义 在你居住的社区有银行吗?翻译成英文 翻译他一个人住在伦敦有时会感到很孤独 建筑企业管理学试题:某工程项目包括A、B两项工作内容某工程项目包括A、B两项工作内容,其中工程量清单上的工程量分别为5000立方米和1500立方米,综合单价分别为45元/立方米,综合单价分别 住在那样的居民区真好 翻译成9个空 It’s_____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ that 英语翻译Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for!Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr.Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs.Pigs are capable of abstract representat I perfer__to__TV.A:to read,watch B:to read,watching C: reading watchD:reading,watching 歇后语知了上树的后半句是什么?有知道的请帮个忙, 雨中知了叫下一句谚语是什么? 歇后语;知了上树 谚语 雨中知了叫的后面是什么 Jim doesn\\\'t have a brother___sister? A.and B.and a C. or D. or a表示否定的并联关系时 , 用and 和or 的区别是什么 .上题正确答案是什么 such a book 和 so a book 是不是一样啊? I hda a hard time getting through this book .--I share your__.It's such a boring book .A throughA thought 上面打错了 B time C feeling D idea 选哪,