
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:20:58
魔力瘦英文怎么翻译 我想知道这个花的名字是什么, 求教这种蓝色小花的名字及其科属种 he said she ____(is flying ;flew;will fly;was flying)to new york the next weekend. ()() 花香 词语 爱无处不在,我们应该有爱心这句话用英语怎么翻译紧急求助! 英语无处不在.怎么翻译? Cathy said that she___________to Shanghai.A.had never gone B.has never gone C.has never been D.had never been 玉米倒伏是什么意思应使用什么肥料 玉米出现倒伏的现象,应用化肥中的什么肥?是氮磷钾中的那种肥? 水稻倒伏,缺乏 肥生长不茂盛,缺乏 肥 小麦出现大面积倒伏现象,应增施什么化肥 根据这两个句子The mother rejected my suggestion.She would meet her daughter the next week.那The mother rejected my suggestion后该填什么? the mother rejected my suggestion that she ____her daughter the next week.A.would meetB.shall meetC.meetD.met我想听听你们是怎么选的? the Lycra in Style Awards in Shanghai翻译 有没有人知道“木马”这个词语的来源?就是计算机里的“木马”,为什么要叫木马呢 有没有人知道“炫耀”这个词的英文是什么? 有没有人知道 战栗不安这个词语 的意思有分的能不能具体点的, 拥mai,有没有人知道这个词?就是支持者,fans的意思,我记得是万字加用字? 有红黄两种玻璃球一堆,其中红球个数是黄球个数的1.5倍,如果从这堆球中每次同时取出红球5个,黄球4个,去了多少次后红球剩9个,黄球剩2个? I also would like you all the time I am going to Guilin during () () () holiday.我打算五一假期期间去桂林 What about going skating this afternoon ,What about going skating this afternoon , Sam? 一I would rather _ at home than _ skating on such a cold day. A.stay; go. B. stay; going. C. to stay ; 什么叫理念?为什么现在这么多人用这个词呢,我很讨厌这个词 ,有没有人给我标准的答案. I am going take a vacation要加to吗为什么 We are going to HongKong for vacation.改为同义句头两个单词还是We are July comes with school examinations .完形填空Summer HolidaysJuly comes with school examinations .but when these are finished,the school year ends.Boys and girls have nearly two 16 holiday.they 17 school bye bus or train to go back home to meet th where are you going I am going to ____.a Japanese b chinese c Australian D Canadawhere are you going I am going to ____.a Japanese b chinese c Australian D Canada 求有关花的伤感句子 journey和trip和tour的区别 journey,trip,voyage,tour,excursion有什么区别? 如何用英语表达希望