
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:09:28
找翻译英文的高手(200分)在线等!In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves 翻译英语 200分礼貌原则中的谦虚准则是从说话者自己的角度,来考虑和尊重受话者或说话涉及到的对象,在语言形式上采取自谦的手段,从而取悦对方 there has been four sets of invaders of english为什么用has? 英语选择.智者瞧过来~—He has never been to shanghai,_______?—________.He has been there twice.—He has never been to shanghai,_______?—________.He has been there twice.A.has he; no,he hasn'tB.hasn't he;no,he hasn'tC.has he,yes,he hasD. 初中英语翻译 Whether there’s afterlife,the answer has never been the same.The atheists deny afte 英语单词的过去分词后加ed的要怎样读读音要诀. 英语翻译The explosion of clinical trials with oxytocin,particularly those in children,troubles Karen Bales,a behavioral neuroscientist at the University of California,Davis."There's been this quick leap from looking at a single dose of oxytocin i 英语单词rained后面的ed是读什么 There have been a couple where there's been 请翻译下,并且分下下语法 "想要说爱你却没有勇气”用英语怎么说英语表达的方式 给我勇气说爱你用英语怎么说 亲,已没有勇气开口说爱你用英语怎么说. 想大声说爱你用英语怎么说啊 请原谅我没有勇气说爱你 英文 代取英文名我叫牟清扬,女,21 ,想要一个与我的中文名字有谐音,中文解释有意义,并且以M开始英文名字 代取英文名字我叫延锦 男 想取个英文名字 能两字兼顾最好 锦一个也没问题 这是什么?电影票? “初中生活将要结束”英文怎么说 反义疑问句There'll be less pollution 怎么变反义疑问句 Will there be less pollution?是问句.不是陈述句. because there was a sharp increase in the number of shoppers什么意思 please enter the serial number that you received the purchase of the program什么意思阿凡达的, 选择题 There will be less pollution,___?A won`t there B isn` there C won`t it D isn`t it i think there will be more pollution是什么意思 do not be less there I pollution will think连词成句 什么是“商务洽谈的交传翻译”?在线等请问什么是“商务洽谈的交传翻译”?具体翻译过程是怎样?需要具备什么样的知识才能担任?谢谢 短时间英语加强,商务洽谈刚来这个公司半多月,老板昨天晚上打电话过来说叫我这几天办好护照,四月份要去香港,可是我现在一点都没头绪,英语口语会面也很怕,然后产品也不熟悉,还有就是就 10.It _______(be) snowy this morning.You must wear more clothes. 英语翻译:毕业后的大多数同学,都非常怀念初中时代的学习和生活. 手机上有没有德语字典诺基亚的~除了自带的 有道手机词典支持德文吗想找一款支持中德互译的手机软件,请大虾们指点! There will be less pollution in 20 years.(同义句) There will be less pollution 20 years____ ____.