
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:55:28
翻译:These strange custans have survived.from earlier times. 英语翻译使徒般的谦恭虔诚、隐士般的坚忍自持、先知般的沉默庄严、智者般的慎重明辨 美国很文明吗? 请问谁知道尼采的这段话的英文?尼采说:“对于那个猜透底里的人来说,这些伟大的艺术家及所有伟人本身就是多么巨大的苦难啊!有一点是可以理解的,即这类巨大的苦难常见之于女人身上— airway和airline的区别它们怎么用?airway用在哪里airline用在哪里 我想知道一下尼采的语录有没有了..我很想知道啊.. 我想问一下airway和airline有什么区别? 尼采经典语录? airway与airline区别 airline和airway有什么区别?(他们似乎都有“航空公司”和“航线”的意思)啊!还有,为他们用时都要加s呢? Please let me know if you have any______questions.A.further B.farther C.father 知道怎么做的告诉下,要理由 father will ___ me to some big cities in the south next montha.takeb.bringc.gived.get 关羽,韩愈,屈原,其中谁的名与字在意义上是否相反? 屈原字什么 屈原最著名的词是什么?麻烦写出词的内容和意思以及屈原的一些背景介绍.求大神帮助 尊崇屈原 什么意思 谁能用简单文字 详细的解释其中的含义 谢谢你. we have not got any suger .have not能否改成do not have,为什么?两者有什么区别 we,not,got,any,at,have,sugar,all (连词成句)要正确!我还要汉译! _______ you have any problems,please let me know.A.Before B.After C.Because D.If Their parents are working in the school there gears.(对in the school提问) 尼采的名言:“任何不能杀死你的,都会使你更强大.”的英文原文是怎么说的?好吧,我错了,这厮是德文的.那德文原文有会的吗? The director had her assistant ___ some hot dogs for the meeting.A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking up为什么? (C) 16.The director had her assistant ____ some hot dogs for the meeting .A .picking up B .picks up C .pick up D .picked up这里的pick up如何翻译? The director had her assistant ( ) some hot dogs for the meeting.A.picked up B.picks up C.pick upD.picking up The director had her assistant __some hot dogs for the meeting.A.picking up B.picked up C.pick up D.picks up very f_______of them like the film ,the others like another film called harry potter 英语作文my favorite book(10句左右)五年级水平写《爱的教育》在线等,答得好可提高悬赏.写《爱的教育》。在线等,答得好可提高悬赏。 求一篇题为a word that has changed the world的英语短文,两百到三百字急,快帮忙,谢啦! 你们好,我现在要写一篇英语文章,A word that has changed the world. she can fly kite为什么放风筝那kite没有a也没有变kites? My favourite Book 为题写一篇六年级下册英语作文 不少于5句话 my favourite book英语作文5句话