
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:32:05
英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译回答正确完整且符合要求必采纳英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译i like red best.这里的best是修饰like还是修饰red?怎样判断? 国庆的由来40字 x-1/3x-1/2x=20 tom is aunt can (play the trumpet)就括号部分提问 ①play the guitar ②play the piano ③play the drums ④play the trumpet ⑤play the violin用以上词组造句:①______________________②______________________③______________________④______________________⑤______________________ Tom can play the drums 改为反意疑问句 Let's go swimming in this afternoon 改为反意疑问句 英语连词成句Tom it can can't piay the but he violin play well(.) Can you play the trumpet,the drums also the guitar?如何改错? 国庆的由来200字要好的 谁有关于爱国的读后感啊!马上就要写的 明天交的! 国庆节的由来200字gggggjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkdddddddwwwwwwwrrrrrrrzzzzzzbbbbbbbmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuu 一只老鼠刚钻出洞口,两只猫同时逮住了它一只老鼠刚钻出洞口,两只猫同时逮住了它.白鼠抓住鼠尾说 说明什 play badminton和play the piano中的定冠词用法 They play badminton in the badminon court.(对划线部分提问) play badminton 之间要加a或者结尾要加s吗 Let him play the badminton with us.错在哪 play badminton的中文翻译 国庆节的由来?大概80字左右. 蚂蚁哥哥以2厘米1秒的速度向蚁洞口搬运粮食,蚂蚁弟弟以5厘米1秒的速度迎接,他们同时出发几秒后相遇? 求鲁迅呐喊中明天的读后感200字左右 蚂蚁哥哥以2厘米/秒的速度向蚁洞口搬运粮食,蚂蚁弟弟以5厘米/秒的速度从洞口出发,相遇地点距洞口多远?蚂蚁哥哥所在的位置距离洞口140cm,它们同时出发. 鲁迅的《呐喊》当中的一片文章叫《明天》求《明天》的读后感从文章写法、主人公的心理和整体评价来写300字以内! 蚂蚁哥哥以2厘米/秒的速度向蚁洞口搬运粮食,蚂蚁弟弟以5厘米/秒的速度接应,它们同时出发几秒后相遇,相遇地点离洞口多远?(我妈妈也不会)一共140cm 蚂蚁哥哥以1厘米1秒的速度向蚁洞口搬运粮食,蚂蚁弟弟以4厘米1秒的速度迎接,他们同时出发几秒后相遇?相遇地点距洞口多远?(用物理公式解) 有一道题蚂蚁哥哥2厘米1秒蚂蚁弟弟5厘米一秒迎接一共140CM 20秒后相遇,相遇地点距洞口多远? 国庆节的由来150字 翻译几句英语 不要机械翻译may the brisk steps slow down and finally atay in our hearts.Ardent love, like the green of tree , thick and dense, will vie for splendor with the days and years.love is a circle , that doth restless moveIn the sa 做家务的作文800字! 描写名胜古迹的诗句急需帮助 英语翻译Looking forward to the FutureWhat will the future be 11 Now let’s see the enduring promise of hope that lies in the future.There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs (突破) and achievements in science and technology.Solut 英语翻译Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself.But many ofthe expressions using water have unpleasant meanings.The expression to be in hot water is one of them.It is a very old express-ion.Hot water was used five hundred yea 美式足球和英式足球英语和实际的区别我叫刘鑫12岁请告诉我