
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:24:49
Please remember to take off your raincoat.(同义句)、 在教室里,丽丽的座位用数对表示是(3,4),丹丹坐在丽丽的后面,那么丹丹的座位可以表示为( , Could you run that by me again? 五年级语文练习册,11.晏子使楚本文是按照什么顺序来写的,开头写了什么,中间写了什么,结尾写了什么.O(∩_∩)O谢谢 We had to stay at home _____ _____ the bad weather.由于天气很糟糕,我们不得不待在家里 山陬海隅怎么读?如题 如何提高雅思托福阅读与听力啊? 陬怎么读? 如何提高雅思托福的听力呢?我总是提高不了, 我之前一直在准备托福,然后现在想转战雅思了,不知道该如何适应雅思的听力呢? 请大家帮分析,who、 that 、if各起什么作用?she would like to buy 这里面like 、buy 哪个是谓语?I know someone who always cuts sketches out from newspapers of model clothes that she would like to buy if she had the money PVC塑脂粉,PVC颗粒英文行业术语怎么说? 原生颗粒英语怎么说PE(聚乙烯)原生颗粒和PE再生颗粒用英语分别怎么说? “泡沫粒子” 英语怎么说? 吵醒隔壁正在睡觉的孩子们 英语怎么说 琳琳和莉莉决定把零用钱积攒起来,捐给灾区,琳琳每周节省5元,莉莉每周节省8元若琳琳现在有20元零用钱,莉莉现在有8元,请问几周后莉莉积攒的零用钱能超过琳琳?列出1-2个不等式 She liked the famous painting very much,so she would like to buy it ___ it cost.A.what B..She liked the famous painting very much,so she would like to buy it ___ it cost.A.what B.whatever C.how D.however 陬念什么?可以组什么词?什么意思?阜念什么?可以组什么词?什么意思? 这字怎么读 英语翻译So we invited the pair up to meet my uncle,and after a half hour or so of idle talk,we began to steer the conversationthe pair 是什么 英语翻译由于其他有经验的人都比较忙,领导只能派我到客户现场先顶一下,他不指望我能解决问题,只是希望我能先应付一下.比较口语一点翻译,意思翻译出来就可以.这里的‘应付’(随便对 九上英语书译林第一单元reading课文. 英语翻译:一楼大堂的地上有许多泡沫小颗粒. She liked the ancient Chinese vase so much that she would like to take it _________ it cost.A.how much B .what C .whatever D .how expensive 为什么选择C? 英语翻译 肿瘤介入热疗机 ,放射性粒子计划系统 The ancient Chinese vase is valuable,whose cost __ 7 figures.A.runs at B.runs out C.runs into D.runs away选择翻译下- -|||...呵呵,至少我没发现有打错.如果是印错那和我没关. 祝福石晓梦的生日快乐的打油诗 求军训总结啊啊~初中作文! ! 600字!超急~ When dad got home ,I ---(do) my homework.While mum----(cook),I came back.If you finish your work,we ----(take) you to the party.What happened ---- Jim yesterday? I usually eat some apples at home for lunch with my dad这个格式对吗 she dashed to the back of the shake to stage the bag 我水平太低,求高手翻译一下 She couldn't face it ,gassed herself.翻译成中文.