
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:44:59
英语翻译在这个世上值得我们敬佩的英雄多如繁星,但我最敬佩的英雄只有3人.说到英雄,什么才是真正的英雄?对我来讲作出惊天动地业绩的人是英雄,为拯救别人而献出自己的生命的人是英雄, 求Microsoft office 2003简体中文版 英文翻译:出口报关/报检的费用为3千每批,是另计的. office用汉字方式应该怎么叫 英语翻译对于你们产品的质量,我们非常满意,只不过价格比较高,也许会导致产品的销量不好,很难使客户采用你们的产品.除非你们愿意降低价格,来满足客户的需求. office用中文怎么读 英语翻译保险:发票金额110%投保平安险另外,我们将通过航空邮件给予样品.如果您发现上面可以接受,请拨打我们的确认 . post office的中文? M/C office翻译成汉语是什么 求德语300小时课后练习答案 德语300小时的配套听力MP3下载和习题答案麻烦发到我的邮箱:linanchen@126.com,有加分! 求德语300小时课后习题答案,分不够可以再加 您好,您有德语300小时的课后习题答案是吗?如果有的话可以给我发一份吗?冒昧打扰,望您见谅. 德语300小时课后练习有答案解析吗 寻一些英文名及其含义 还有常见姓氏,父称 50用英语怎么说? He usually goes for a walk (after supper)对划线部分提问 Mr.Green likes____(take) a walk after supper.用所给单词的适当形式填空 He usually goes for a walk after supper.(提问) _He usually goes for a walk after supper.(提问)________ _______ ______ _______ ______ go for a walk? 大家帮我起个英文名啊!读音需要是‘书新’的谐音, 有谁能够告诉我erionna这个英文名字的读音? I mother is Mrs Green(改错) 迪斯尼(英文)需要一片迪斯尼 A whole new word的主题曲英文好的给一百…………………………………………………………a whole now word(阿拉丁) Mrs green is a ()grandmther Mrs,Green is ___grandmother.A.Jim and kate B Jim and Kate's Mrs Green is a b______ mr.green is mrs.green is ( ) 英语翻译You wash dishes for a chemistry laboratory to make extra money for laundry.You earn 6 dollars/hour ,and each shift lasts 75minuters .Your laundry requires 6 quarters/load可是却被英语难住了,How many loads of laundry will each sh 德语300小时有习题答案么殷桐生、叶本度教授的《德语300小时>的课后练习题一直找不到答案,请问有知道答案在哪的么 有一段英文需要翻译The bones of the animal, including the skull, are now kept at the Texak(德夏克) Museum which was reinaugurated in 1997 after being closed for a number of years. There are paintings of the monster in the museum as we 英语翻译The skull of the creature was kept and,for the most part,matches those of a rorqual,most likely a Sei whale.Few whale species are found in the Gulf of Mexico because it is warm and shallow.But beachings of whales have been recorded on Mex 英语翻译input your license-ID of 20 digit alphanumeric