
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:54:26
tom is ten years old.kate is eight years old.(合并为一句) Tom is ten years old.Jackistwelveyears old.(改为比较级句子) Tom is …… ……JackTom is ten years old.Jack is twelv eyears old.(改为比较级句子) Tom is …… ……Jack. 条形码原理是什么啊? how()you()"watch (手表)"?A.do,spell B.are ,spell C.spell ,do How do you s watchS 后面要填什么?连词成句found,case,key,is,in,the,that,your,and,lost(?)完成下列招领启事和寻物启事招领启事:物品时一串钥匙,找Johnson领取,电话为6436789.寻物启事:物品时一只新手表, 作文 让我感动的人还要亲身经历过的,我没有,大家帮帮忙啦记住,不能是看到的或听到的,要自己亲身经历过的500字左右还有,我是城市女孩亲身经历...... How do you___"watch''? 英语翻译譬如,.沟.村.镇.市,这之间也用逗号隔开就可以吗? Tom is ten years old.(提问ten years old) Philip, why don't you go watch the last three minutes of the game. 其中go watch可以这么用吗?这是 走遍美国,第六章,感恩节 中的一句,我在网上下的文本,不知道是不是错了?总是感觉,不对。是不是应 Amy is ten years old ,and Tom is eleven.的同义句是什 Watch the road carefully when you are riding _____ you don't fall into any holes.Watch the road carefully when you are riding _____ you don't fall into any holesA.in caseB.even ifC.so thatD.as if Why don't you watch TV的同义句!_____ _____ watch TV? why do people get depressed?Is there any connection between depression and bad luck Can depressionbe overcome?求口语一篇 1.Why do people get angry/depressed?How to control such negative feelings?英语回答! A smile is the shortest distance between two people. A game is always popular between the people that is"lose once you get serious"来自微博,看不懂 扫条码能辨别商品的真假吗?我在超市买的东西用手机条码扫不出来,这能说明什么吗?我用手机试着扫不同商品的条码,有的显示出商品信息,有的也是不显示, 怎样利用条形码辨别商品的真假? 真知码就是条纹码吗?通过扫描条形码就能识别商品的原理是什么? .你经常帮助他学英语吗?Do you often ________ him ________ his English?5.周迅是我最喜欢的歌星.Zhouxun is my ___________ singer. May God and His angels watch over you意思是什么?如题.解释此句,最好是标准翻译. 翻译god will watch over you as he has me what do you think about the bargain house?there's some real _____in the sales答案是bargains,是不是题有错呢,there are? There is no real differences between the two get over you - 邓紫棋.歌词歌词歌词... Is there the real friendship between boy and girl?Many student think that there is no the real friendship between boys and girls.If a boy and a girl walk together,they always say something. do you think that there is no the real friendship betw Dark Lady watch over you There is no real differences between the two,哪里错了? 英语翻译I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous,shoals it I could only have change-change and the exicitement of unforeseen. 英语翻译很高兴我终于成为了成都七中的一名学生、因为这是我多年来一直所盼望的.走进学校,美丽的校园和具有传统风格的办公大楼就给我留下了深刻的印象.我的新老师们都很友好、同学 写一篇题目为the connection between names and personalities的英语作文