
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:02:59
Like he sent me an email trying to apologize……Like he sent me an email trying to apologize,it was supposed to be tactful,but it was really inappropriate.请问为什么try要用ing形式呢? 英语翻译正常我可能会顺着句子翻译 he sent the email to me for help no matter what can i do all the things about of you想找一首歌,有两句歌词是no matter what can i do all the things about of you是个女的唱的请知道的人给个名字 改错 Please write an email about you to me can‘t,you,in,a,class,write,letter连词成句 化学实验室将药品分类后放在不同的药品柜里,已存放的部分药品如下:甲柜:Mg Zn乙柜:木炭 P丙柜:硫酸 硝酸丁柜:NaOH Ca(OH)2若实验室新购进一些硫磺,应放在哪个柜?请问原因? 《吕蒙正不为物累》中的“盖寡号而不为物累者”的“盖”是什么意思? that i don t know u how actually is a beautiful thing谁能帮我翻译下这个句子? cut back on 回想,你经过多少段情?又是怎样的感受?因为相信有爱,我们总是容易成就了一段感情,又失落了一段感情.生活就是这样,从这段情走进另一段情,反反复复,而个中滋味却因人而异.就当我是旁观者 (各种题型)1.My grandma said that she _________{对待} well when she was in hospital.2.He has talked _________{太多}.3.To learn English well,______A.much practice is needed B.we need to practice moreC.many practice is needed D.we need many The days ______ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.A) whenever B) wherever C) on which D) in which 英语的一道选择题 The days____you could travel without a passport are gone.A.of which B.on which C.C.in which D.that 一篇陕北土窑洞的读后感 We can't travel abroad without taking a passport.To travel abroad we ___ ___ take a passport 一Could I get the passport in 20 days?一It depends.Anyway,you have my answer tomorrow.A.could B.must C.shall D.needwhy? 山的那边读后感怎么写?怎么好 初生的朝阳意指什么 在山的那边读后感中的开头概括全文怎么写就是开头要用3 、5句话概括原文 不知道现代诗怎么概括 surprised的过去时态请大家帮我翻译:父母都对我起床很早而感到惊讶(过去时态) 联系我们英文怎么写 旭日阳光是什么意思?出自哪里 26,27题,急, 26题,正确就采纳, 初升的朝阳是什么意思什么意思啊!急!3Q啊! 两个英语语法问题求以下两个句子结构分析~1、You could look randomly on shelves as you walk up and down rows of books.2、He left gaps for elements he predicted were yet to be discovered. you added the cost of the inedible portions and the cost of the time to prepare to the price.请帮忙翻译这句话 如何快速高效记忆单词 如何高效快速记忆单词!跪.马上就高三了,我的英语词汇量很少,单词记不住.我可以凭发音拼出单词,中文意思总是记不住.大家有什么记单词的方法啊? 帮我写下,帮同学做的,我自己都来不及做. 天然气大灶直径大约1.2M,额定流量谁知道啊?MJ每小时或者立方米每小时 you didn't really expect the President to () your letter,did you?A.responding toB.responded toC.respond ofD.respond to为什么不能选B呢?