
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:31:54
x is 2 percent more than Y,请用数学表示式表示 英语问题"more than 50 percent 如何给小朋友解释more的意思 几缕流云的意思 有一首歌 歌词第一句是one o'lock two o'lock all the time is pass by three four five o'lock .有人知道吗 there was some snow on the hill last month .改为一般疑问句作肯定回答///// There______(be)a lot of_______(snow)last Sunday.Because it_____(snow).Look,it's_______(snow) now.横线上填啥? .There was plenty of snow in Beijing last winter.(保持原意) It _____ _____in Beijing last winter.54.There was plenty of snow in Beijing last winter.(保持原意) It _____ _____in Beijing last winter 英语翻译"虽然现在和当时的梦是不同领域"别机器翻译高手来 英语翻译根据集团要求,每半年需要进行一次第三方消防检测,故申请酒店在12月中旬前进行消防检测工作,相关检测公司资质及价格附后. see,they,playground,two,surprised,the,to,fighting,boys,on,were连词成句 51017600大写金额怎么写?伍仟一佰零壹拾柒万陆佰元正,是这样写吗?壹字打错了,呵呵 英语 求英语答案. 连词成句we,go,the,to,park,shall go in at they to 7:30 school morning the连词成句并翻译 You must do more reading to i_____ your English.Reading English magazines can enlargr your v_____ walk,l,to,for,go,to,park,a,want,the连词成句 You should try to make your vocabulary __.A:many B:more C:much D:bigger选more还是bigger呢, you should read more to enrich your v______ 英语作文,This.is.my.bedroom (填空)_ it ofen rain in spring?_ climb the tree._ there a lot of snow in winter?No,there_.填“be动词”或“助动词”kkkkk 含实意动词的句子变否定句的规律,方法! “我们怎么啦”的英文怎么说, 英语翻译Avril的歌~想知道这首歌的中文翻译 英语翻译麻烦帮忙翻译一下这篇文章Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange.In the first place it is a perennial--if not in actual fact,at least in the greengrocer’s shop.On the days when dessert is a name given to a hand 春夏秋冬的英文是什么? 英文连词成句what pius five eighteen is ,怎么拼 中日东海及钓鱼岛问题双方的主张(军事理论课题目,请书面作答) 我国古代第一部军事理论著作是? 外国语言文学及应用语言学与英语语言文学有什么区别?哪一个就业面更广一些? 描写拖地的句子只要十五句,