
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:40:29
She studies hard every day.She is s___ to pass the contest. 孙中山的民主革命思想怎样形成的? 依据材料一,概括指出孙中山在民主革命时期有哪些思想 I thought you were/are not coming I thought you were not coming.I thought you did not come.区别 I Thought You Were My Fairytale,Now I Know You're Not A Fairytale 急I Thought You Were My Fairytale,Now I Know You're Not A Fairytale 以初中生活真好为材料写一篇记叙文,题目为这里真好 Those students are going to do some exercise.(改为否定句) Why are some students addicted to the Internet?要求:120词左右,行文流畅,理由充分.整篇文章词语不要太生僻(大一孩纸哦). would you like to work at home or in a big company why? Can you play with me today? Can you play with me today?(改为肯定句) Thirty People Away 歌词求Tamas Wells的《Thirty People Away 》的英文 中文歌词!一楼不是的. I do not take the well-being of other people go,I do not take away other peoples well-being. injure和hurt有什么区别? 翻译move up 英语翻译Have you considered moving back to Singapore to work?在线翻译还是算了吧,大哥英语没那么差,只是疑惑这里的move back 作何解 move a way多种翻译 根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一词.1、I'm very busy today .Let根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一词.1、I'm very busy today .Let's ____ _____tomorrow afternoon .2、我们明天去超市购物好吗?___we___shopping in t Dick,I,with,and,Chinese friends,their,are going to,some presents,buy (连词成句) Some of you are going to visit them tomorrow.How about___others the others the people ___in the paper did not like it,but other readers liked it very much. But many people like to watch other do sports doing sports选哪一个 早上不忘(猜一应用文体)一窍不通(猜一古诗体)作品简介(猜一常见文体)孙中山传(猜一常用文体) 想知道他在哪开房? Enter your map code here. Don't think it was you that played with me,in fact you were not worth mentioning. You thought were so worth keeping有没有语法错误?此句话有没有语法错误? Jim sits ____ Lucy and Lily.中间填哪个介词?you are wanted ____ the telephone.这个填什么介词? 1.My sister can work out the problem.(改为同义句) My sister __ __ __ work out the problem.2.To finish the work for us is difficult today.(改为同义句)___ difficult ___ ___ ___ finish the work today. my sister is working at the hospital (in the day)或(at night)(at the weekend)选哪个 英语chicken 如题 今天考完了 巨急 有人说是chickens 有人说 本身就复数 如果是a lot of chicken后面加不加s