
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 18:27:51
If it I am to like you But I don't know and can fall in love with you My love disappears in that day I am afraid Very afraid very afraid I think I will not cry Don't cry forever I can say I lose not to rise Baby Forgive my self-will 帮我翻译一下.一 用.可.是造句 请根据短文回答"What am ""Dear Becky,I'm your present.My first three letters are the same as in the word 'come'.My last two letters are the same as in the word 'water'.My middle 3 letters are in the word 'put'.What am " 开门看见老王直僵僵的镶嵌在门框里.原意是?在这里又怎么的表达效果. 用可.是.造句 用可.是造句 可······是······造句 翻译句子.(用规定的词) 我们得几点钟到达那儿?(have got to) .I am still a bud,and I will only bloom for you.I am still a bud. buses的音标是什么 英语翻译Exotic plastics,glass and ceramics will shape the future just as surely as have genetic engineering and computer science. You wouldn't belive that is some else's cast-offs people will buy?原文是:"你根本想不到有人会买别人不再想要的东西."就是将“你根本想不到有人会买别人不再想要的东西.”这句中文,要求是用believe句型 People believe that Beijing Team will win the game被动语态 用went swimming.watched a film.had a picnic.did the housework.这几个词组写一段话,不少于8句 英语单词的plays的音标以下英语单词的音标是什么:washes ,eats ,reads ,touches 我在家听到打门,开门看见老王直僵僵地镶嵌在门框里 镶嵌的词典意是 Do you want to close the connection to 宽带连接?为什么会出现这个? How often does he do his homework?这句话错了吗,错在哪里? 《老王》文中“镶嵌”两字能否换成“站立”?为什么? How do you think does Sheldor reproduce? Check Server and Connection documents in the Domino Directory.翻译 不等式的恒成立是什么意思 不理解 不等式中恒成立,能成立,恰成立应怎样理解 报刊上CN11-0048中是什么意思 英语语法问题7请写出判断依据 关于英语语法问题7请写出判断依据 频度副词后动词什么时候用过去式 请问频度副词能否用在过去式?我造一个过去式的句子,想用Often,那其他的频度副词也能用在过去式里吗? 今日早上6点正成都市新都区有地震感觉-徐廷阳.不知道地震发生在什么地方? 刚才那里地震了,新都有震感 I saw him___his homework when I passed by last night,but I'm not sure whether he__.A.doing;has finishedB.doing;have finishedC.do;has finishedD.do;have finished原因、、、