
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:59:45
改造自然 搭配是否恰当 大家给个建议,买小单车好,还是流星狮爷好?(天天酷跑) finds可以换做knows吗?is being looked是何用法?不应该是被动吗?And if he finds that he is being looked at,he may feel uncomfortable. having the 1、Level shifter and a display device having the same2、Screen for projection-type 3D image and projection system having the same 1.His disappearance(失踪)______ by the police.A.looked at B.will be looked in C.is being looke1.His disappearance(失踪)______ by the police.A.looked at B.will be looked in C.is being looked into D.has been looked up答案是C为什么不选A啊? One of the parties having the interest in the same matter.的谓语是什么?having作什么成分? _____人不学不知道,《礼记.学记》 Seeing the boss and having a good time are not scheduled at the same time. It's well~known that there aren't two (l ) on the earth having the same shape中间帮我填一个L的英语单词。保证句子通顺 已知O为直线AB上的一点,OC⊥OD,OE平分∠AOD,∠AOE:∠COB=7:5,求∠COE的度数 last night怎样读 strstr函数for ( ; *s1; ++s1 )这里*s1是啥意思?当*s1为空字符时停止? which is the most money 的汉译 L5/S1椎间盘突出是什么意思 初中二年级日记一篇,关于养花的.急! 的一句话是在不知道怎么分析和翻译了 大家帮帮忙吧At the same time, the religious and political institutions that once dominated the lives of Muslims have begun to disintegrate as greater education and widespread access to new ide 时代周刊里有一句话不知道该怎么翻译,麻烦懂的人说一下He sees fires wiping out such gigantic swaths of jungle that scientists now debate the"savannization" of the Amazon.就是这句 谢谢拉 英语作业的问题 英语翻译自从昨天开始,我就有一种强烈感觉---如果他在明天不紧张,就一定会赢的.自从昨天开始,我就有一种强烈感觉---如果他在明天(1)克服了心理障碍,就一定会赢的。自从昨天开始, 求英语作业,会的帮一下.问:It takes five minutes to ride to school.(改为同义句)、答:It takes five ------ ------ ------ get to school.(一个空一词)问:He has a quick breakfast and then leaves.(同上)答:He leav 这句话对吗?要加is吗?She proved her assumption is via reasonable 这句话为什么要省略is?No matter what the situation,areguments are a waste of time.参考书说the situation后省略了is,为什么可以省略的? 请问下面的英语句子中,为什么要用is,而后面的play又要加ed呢?这到底是什么时态?They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda. 英语翻译一片感人的英语短文 TRUE FRIENDSHIP "NEVER" ENDS.Friends are FOREVER.Good friends are like STARS You don''t always see them,but you know they are ALWAYS THERE.DON''T frown.You never know who is falling in love with your smile.What 冷眼旁观,看你怎么回答. 英语翻译我国盐业史上的盐业专卖制已有2700余年历史,从战国时期齐相管仲的“盐业专卖”,直至抗战时期实行“盐专卖,民制宫收,商运商销”的制度.期间,著名改革家、思想家辈出,这里就包 英语翻译A Love LetterThe great love I said I have for youis gone,and I find my dislike for youincreasese every day.When I see you,I do not even like the way you look;the one thing I want to do is to look the other way.I never wanted to marry you. 英语翻译As we know,in modern days,music has because an important part of our life because it makes our life more colourful.What kind of music do you like best?I am crazy about pop music because it is exciting.And i am good at playing music.Look a 因为也没上过什么学,总是想说,却又不知道怎样表达,怎样才能与人很好的沟通? 英语翻译Jonathan cultivates an image of hip sophistication .The press see themselves in him.They'd forgive him anything ,even murder,but they 'll turn savage now because the cliche of this will embarrass them simplicity is the ultimate sophistication是什么意思 ______________,人不学不知义?