
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:13:19
恐龙在什么时候灭绝的 有人上过新航道的外教口语俱乐部吗? She hasn't returned the book to de library yet.等于什么?转化为She hasn't_______ the book________to the library yet. BEC需要怎么去准备,本人基础可以,目标是拿高分,请高手支招. 甜蜜口味 英文该怎么说 我现在的基础中上,自己在接触商务英语方面的内容.不知道我报哪种课程会比较合适呢? 2 Can you —(描述)your English teacher? Can you ____ me ____ your English teacher attend to do 还是doing?谁有比较权威的资料? attend 的后面什么时候要加to,什么时候不加to? attend表照料时,或者后面加sth时,用不用加"to" attend to vicky,vivian,emily那个英文名好听我的中文名是薇莉,想取一个和中文名相近的英文名,女.请大家出出主意.vicky,vivian,emily.是我想的几个名字,哪个好听一点呢 什么是社会 什么叫社会 翻译"A new term begins." a new school term begins.翻译 Happy new term,happy life. 英语翻译You mustn't be absent on a test day.lf you are ill,call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test.If your teather allows a makeup test,you should take the test in one or two days after you go back to school .1.The meanin let’s【】the teacher some questionsA.ask B.asks C.to ask d.asking Let' (call)the teacher at 708-2834 温暖用英文怎么说 温暖的英文 洋务派提出了什么口号?他们在福州创办的军事工业是什么? attend to 有处理的意思吗 attend to 可以是处理的意思吗 英语翻译今天有什么节目么(就是有什么好玩儿的,因为是周末)如上翻译为西班牙语(括号内不用翻) 英语翻译本人也是西班牙语翻译11月即将去赤几,要待一年半,我想知道赤几人的西语和我们国内学的西语有多大的不同,我担心不适应他们的语音语调,请赐教,同时介绍那边的情况, 英语wait on/for的用法区别The boy is waiting () his sister and they will go to hospital to wait () their sick mother.请问哪里用on 哪里用for 呢请讲明白哪里用on 哪里用for 求一篇名为"new term"的英语作文向老师介绍自己,同时要告诉老师你的学习计划,八、九十词左右 老师,这样写可以吗?(two-hour ride/walk).two-hour 后面除了加动词还能加什么词?您能举一个例句吗two hours’ride (two hours’后面只能用动词吗?) even though she’s a two hour train ride awaytrain ride away a two hour train ride away My first day of a new