
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:35:49
数轴上A对应的数为a,b对应的数字为b,满足|a-12|+|b+6|=0,O为原点 宇儿丶 |数轴上A对应的数为a,b对应的数字为b,满足|a-12|+|b+6|=0,O为原点宇儿丶 | 2010-09-19 | 分享问题补充:(1)求A,B的值,并在数轴上标 数轴上的原点是字母o还是数字0? 跪求!一篇小作文《关注物价 关注民生》... what do you think is the most serious chanllenge of living in a city like shanghai? What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a city like Bei 关于十七大的作文求一篇关于十七大的文章,要体现爱国精神!我要的是一篇演讲稿,符合初一的风格 四川 人口分布特点 关于"十七大"方面的作文 四川省遂宁市船山区各镇人口分布. 英语翻译这个八天的假期,干得最多的是,就是吃、玩、带小孩.从一号到六号天天到外面吃酒席,没有消停过.其中我的三个至交好友分别过生日,我们一群玩的好的好朋友,在短短的几天里,聚了 能把拯救地球的任务交给我吗? We have a new 有谁可以教我一下?行行好吧.我会一辈子谢谢你的. We has tow new friends today.We have tow nWe has tow new friends today.We have tow new friends today.哪一句对? We have a new frirnd Ciass,we heve a new friend 寒假见闻100字 不能多字 只人少字 我是男孩啊 也不人是关于雪的 德语 祝亲爱的爸爸生日快乐 怎么说?如题 Some friends have opposite views and interests. Some friends have opposite views andSome friends have opposite views and 的完形填占 Some friends have opposite views and ____(interesting). Her mother has been ill( ) she came to Beijing last week A.since B.as C.until D.When Aunt Tong is clever and h(),so she always did an e()job when she was at school. The girl dances beautifully.(改为感叹句) 英语翻译12/F One Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceG.P.O.Box 11142,Hong Kong 如题.要一个完整的中文翻译,保证可以让一个不懂英文的人能到达正确的地方 加拿大签证翻译哪里比较靠谱? 英语翻译我这里有加拿大签证翻译,还有健康证明也需要翻译. she __at no.1 primary school She s___ at Shanghai No.1Juior High School.(填空) 十字相乘求答案,急要 most of Chinese和most people in China有什么区别?详细解释一下~~~谢谢~~~有没有区别~~~???A.有B.没有 White people hold the most of the world's population.It has more than one third.Generally speaking ,white people are tall. 1、We( )a new friend today.A:has;B:have;C:are.2;I( )Kate.A:is;B:are;C:am.3:Bill ( )fromAmerica.A:are;B:am;C:is.4;Welcome ( )our class.A:to;B:at;C:in.5:_Guess!Boyor girl._( )A:Hello!B:boy;C:NO!