
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:09:34
辩论题:男老师教女生班好不好?求不好的地方 冷漠与真爱的辩论会,我们女生比男生优秀,老师就然我们辩论反方冷漠,男女人数一样多.可又来了一个书信赛,女生优秀,参加了19个这样(参加了一大半,参加的不开辩论会),男生只参加3个,本 初中英语改错题,谁帮我?1.If you use your head ,you'll find a way2.I have a lot of letters answering this morning3.He didn't know what buy for her4.Why not you ask John for help?5.I hape see you soon6.Have you given up to smoke?7.It's difficu 1.Who is heaviest in your class?2.My mothe doesn't care on her health at all.3.Peter has many interesting story to tekll us. 缭的右半部分+部首· 组词 时间能证明一切吗拜托各位大神 时间会证明一切吗拜托各位大神 时间会证明一切吗?拜托各位大神 时间能证明一切吗?拜托各位大神 英国惊现幽灵茶叶袋是真的吗?镜子中出现小童哭泣是真的吗?故宫附近老是有车祸(这个,我想只是意外),过世太太出现在二岁女孩照片中,这些都是真的?还是现在科学无法解释的科学现象?还 鬼魂有没有合理的解释?今天公司的大姐跟我谈鬼比如家里死了人发生一些事走夜路遇到古怪的人 上下班路上如何提高英语上下班都要花二十分钟,这段时间想听听英语,有什么好的推荐, 一道初一英语选择题Jodie ()in Shanghai.A.don't B.doesn'tC.isn't要说明为什么 英语翻译Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills With their shining brown eyes,wagging tails,and unconditional love,dogs can provide the non-judgmental listenersneeded for a beginning reader to gain confide 一道初一英语选择题Jodie ()in Shanghai.A.don't B.doesn'tC.isn't一道英语选择题. 有没有这种说法:My life for the study. 潦,缭,嘹,僚,撩 这几个字的拼音,字意,组词及词语意思 连词成句:late,he,surfs,at,sometimes,the,night,internet 将watch at surf l and the Internet the weekends Tv 连词成句 表示"永远"时 Always和forever哪个语气比较强 always n 3Q 能告诉我 always forever 这个连在一起是什么意思么? Take out courage dare to hate dare love,do a this life the non-regret himself是什么意思 Remains .Always . 问个翻译问题,句子见问题补充.主要是not rather than的问题.怎么译?谢谢.As an investment banker, I wasn’t attracted to the invitation to work in the media industry rather than, say, forest products because I thought it was neces 英语翻译Theatrical tradition has long held that,rather than a marketing director and plan,a theatre only needs a press agent or publicity director; therefore,there is resistance to marketing plan. 《致老鼠》这首( )诗真有趣,小诗人把( )当做了( )来写,写出了和一般人眼中不同的形像.最后,小作者希望老鼠和( )交上朋友,更是孩子们( )的愿望. the development of life英语作文RT 词数不用太多 选词填空.()1.He_____up at seven yesterday morning.A.get B.gets C.got( )2._____they go to school late yesterday?A.Do B.Did C.Were ( )3.I____to school by bike yesterday.A.goes B.went C.go 细胞周期具有哪几个主要的check point? (1/4)英语短文该错 Yesterday morning,it was already 7:30that I got up.Thinking(1/4)英语短文该错 Yesterday morning,it was already 7:30that I got up.Thinking(2/4)i would be late,i got dressing quickly and left without breakfast.T(3/4)here we 大家帮帮忙 这个是什么意思stategic control point?地理上面的问题 如果知道 请举个例子 谢谢!o 是strategic control point.是地理上的 我觉得也是战略控制地点 我现在想了个例子是北海道北边的Kuril