
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:47:12
Have you been to the Space Museum?If yes,when did you go last time? when did you take the medicine last 妈妈的头发白了,把什么给我 音标元音 i:i o:o e:e u:u a:e 这些元音类型的单词 每个要4个 先等 这些元音类型的单词每个要4个 还要中文 本人现在等 19th century 和1990s分别是什么意思如题 when did you see the doctor the last time?请回答 in the early part of the 19th century 和 at the beginning of the 19th century 的区别. 英语1892年是18th还是19th century 怎么读呢 He was a fomous artist in _____. A the 19th Century B the 19 Century C 19 Century play at the They play at the park on s_____ afternoon.(首字母填空) play. ususlly. in. on sundays. football. the i park. 怎么连成一句话我们班的英语作业有一道这种题目,我不会,请你们帮我一下,谢谢! only的倒装的用法(尤其是时态如何变化)? What does your girfriend look like?的中文翻译 元音a开头单词,如何判断a发什么音?如academic为什么第一个音节a读‘安’而不读“而”还有类似的一些情况和其他元音字母开头的 速求单元音双元音共20个元音每个原因求单词11个,顺便标出哪个部位发这个音我会非常感谢. 一根铁丝正好可以围成一个边长是4厘米的正方形框,如果用这根铁丝围成一个长方形的框【全部用完】,这个长方形的框的长和宽分别是多少 有一个用铁丝围成的长方形,长6厘米,宽4厘米,如果改成一个正方形,周长是多少? 用一根铁丝围成一个长方形,长6厘米,宽4厘米;如果把这根铁丝改为成一个正方形这个正方形的面积是多少平方厘米? only有没有倒装? only倒装Only after being attacked by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor ( ) in the Second World War thoroughly.was America involved这样也是部分到装吗 下面这句话,为什么是I wish I was 而不是 I wish I were?【I wish I was a kid again,because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.------ 真希望自己变回小孩,因为,摔破的膝盖总比破碎的心要容易修补.】这 为什么是I wish I were a bird 而不是I wish I was a bird是因为是虚拟语气,所以才这样用吗? I WISH I WERE A BIRD.怎么这句子里面用WERE,不用WAS啊?是不是书上写错了为什么用WERE啊. I wish he were here.为什么是were不是was阿 If和wish后用were还是was我在语法书上看到这样一句话:在If和wish后要用were,而不是was如:If i were you ,I wouldn't buy that coat.或If i was you.把我懵了,那到底是要用were还是was啊?如果两个都可以,那有什么 I believe our love will last forever 请帮我翻译下 一根铁丝围成边长是9厘米的正方形 如果改围成一个长方形 要求长是宽的2倍, 英语翻译 英语翻译帮我翻译下这句 It is going to sunny tomorrow.错在哪里? It is going to sunny tomorrow.这个句子哪错了?