
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:08:37
从下面词语中至少选用两个,并运用一种常见修辞手法,写一段描写人物活动的文字.(不超过80字) 卖弄从下面词语中至少选用两个,并运用一种常见修辞手法,写一段描写人物活动的文字.(不 有关英语反意疑问句的怎么回答?例:1)You play basketball,don't you?2)She didn't come to school yesterday,did she?两句都要两种答案(肯与否),谢最好说说要领以及 的中文翻译 眼花撩乱什么意思 怎样回答反意疑问句啊 英语反意疑问句的怎么回答Aren't you a teacher? 从下列备选词语中至少选择两个词语,并至少运用一种常用的修辞手法,写一段谈论阅读的话.(不超过80字)芳馨 怡悦 寻章摘句 开卷有益 历历在目 对答如流 从下面词语中至少选用两个词语 并且至少使用一种修辞手法写一段描写某人神态动作的话 不超过80字恍惚 憔悴 和蔼 不知所措 兢兢业业 高深莫测 会的人说下嘛,匹有点急, 翻译I wish that I could been in Dalls 水浒传中杨志的人物形象 用in case,in case of ,in any case,in no case,in that case中任何一个完成下列句子:1、______________he comes,please let me know.2、______________fire,ring the alarm bell. 对水浒传杨志这个人物的看法?(也就是九年级上册语文书17课智取生辰纲课后习题第一大题的最后一个问.)写一篇短文.500字. 急.! 水浒中救杨志的老道人是谁被劫生辰纲后杨志正准备跳崖自尽,被一个人拉了回来,还说以后会见面 谁有江苏版语文九年级上册的课文目录~麻烦传以下! Would you like ____(come) to supper?____处填什么? 求8年级上册语文(江苏教育版)要背的课文 (古诗不用写) I wish i had nevermet 父母如何安抚孩子的心灵创伤? Wish I Had An Angel 求一句排比句,好一点,有文采点 This is like a chance of a life time的翻译麻烦大家了 It is always the same at times like this 这里的at 这句子怎么翻译! 英语翻译it is just like a appitizer for you coming up to dinner -How I wish I had studied harder when Iwas in senior shool!-If you had,you (would be) a university student now.括号中何解? I wish I had worked harder是什么意思 I'm bored with continual rain.How I wish that the sun___brightly when I _ up.A,will shine;wake B.would be shining; woke C.would shine;woke D.would be shining; wake为啥选d,第二空为啥选wake,而不是woke,不是与现在事实相反,从句应 ——how much of his speech do you think you have understood?——____.I wish I had worked harder.A.Quite a few B.very few C.Next to nothing D.Quite a lot求各项解析(句义,用在哪) What happened to mother last Saturday morning? 如何回答 ‘I kind of wish I would done that when I was your age’中的 I kind of wish是怎么回事?怎么是I? my teacher asked me what did I do last night.改错 ( ) Mother asked the youngest kid_with his toy car.A.What the matter was B.What was the matter选什么说一下原因北、不太明白 can you come to our ____(dance) party this evening?can you come to our (dance) party this evening?提问:为什么不是dancing?不应该变成动名词形式吗