
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:20:12
写一篇童话故事 要求;以小鱼.小鸟.水为主要“人物”编一个童话故事.写清时间,地点,发生了一件什么事.结果什么样?想通过这个童话故事表达怎样的思想感情,说明了一个什么道理. reading in the sun is dad for your eyes.(同义句)it_ _ _you to read in the sun ( )1、—Can Helen's brother play football( )1、—Can Helen's brother play football?—Sorry,______.A、he can B、he can't C.she can 翻译Very happy for today's victory,a very important match and 3 points vs a big team.C'mon City! 用大海—小鱼—农夫编写一个小故事50字以上 bad,eyes,reading,for,sun,the,in,is,your.(连词组句) Did you do a good d__ to your parents last Sunday?首字母填空 Reading ____ the sun is bad ___ your eyes.选C :in ;for reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.中read为何加ing Came to Shanghai,I feel very happy. 怎么用月光\小鱼\露珠编故事 I have a great husband and a great son.so I feel very happy!请大家翻译下, Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 中book为什么加S “接天莲叶无穷碧 映日荷花别样红” 整首诗是怎么样的(加作者,及朝代) surprise的词性是? surprise可以做形容词吗可是我们的教科书上的确把"surprise”用做形容词的啊如:a surprise birthday party 到底怎么回事surprise和surprising又有什么区别难道没有人知道吗 we to get to the bus station at 7 o'clockA.supposed B are supposed c will suppose D should be supposed 为什么选B啊.we———— to get to the bus station at 7 o'clock A.supposed B are supposed c will suppose D should be supposed the train was two hours late,so we ( ) have run all the way to the railway stationA wouldn't B couldn'tC mustn'tD needn't但我理解不了,求中文翻译 I got up late this morning ,so I had a ··· breakfast and hurried to school.A fast B quick C rapid诸位多多帮忙.还要解析. 29岁英语教师转行,做什么好 初二上策学生双语报(英语)第三单元(标题:what are you doing for vacation) 英语周报unit 3.what are you doing for vacation? it took twenty——two years ___(build) It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.有语法错误吗“该是……的时候了”句型,请问这句子正确吗?为什么“concerned”后面的“take”还要用过去分词形式? 英语翻译“i took steps to assure myself of her guilt” Ten steps from the door and twenty steps from the roses中steps的意思 永兴岩仙女照镜的导游词谁有啊?短一点哈,200字左右!湄洲岛黄金沙滩也行.还有广化寺啊南少林寺啊,莆田步行街的古谯楼啊……你们都可以写的,3Q. 写湄洲岛的导游词 We will go to the cinema if it _______(rain)tomorrow 陀螺尺寸怎样定义才能让它转的快、转的稳定陀螺转动是由于惯性,陀螺是有上圆距和下圆锥组成.那么给定陀螺圆距和圆锥的圆截面的直径D,怎样设定圆距高和圆锥角的大小,才能使得陀螺在 连词成句 he not know nanyang very well does can tell him you the to way park the1,he not know nanyang very well does 2.can tell him you the to way park the He speaks Chinese very well (连词成句)