
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:20:11
求数学的圆柱体与圆锥体的计算公式要表面积也要体积。用文字公式 关於圆柱体与圆锥体的问题.数学高手入.!把一个圆柱形的木料削成一个最大的圆锥形木料,体积减少了16.8立方分米.原来的圆柱体木料的体积是多少立方分米? 洗衣机水管接起来了为什么会没水,只能脱水了,按钮还全部红了 洗衣机下水管接地漏冒水上来阳台上埋了40pvc管接地漏,另一端接洗衣机和拖把池.接洗衣机是个T开三通.现在问题就是洗衣机下水管放到这个接口时,排水时水从管子上面冒出来,弄的阳台上都 为什么细胞内各种元素的比例与无机环境的大有不同? 什么是扯犊子?如题,这个是什么地方的方言? 扯犊子什么意思 什么叫扯犊子? we are not very far away from each other,and even the times that we are little apart i think my parents are not love each other anymore i feel unhappy 英语翻译sometimes it gets hardsometimes it may feellike the endbut forusremember that itnever iseveri promise 装犊子是什么意思? 什么叫“装犊子”? 小天鹅水魔方洗衣机直接调脱水怎么调?完整的程序? 全 自动洗衣机不能脱水是什么原因 魔兽世界铁锡矿石哪里多 某厂有甲乙两车间甲车间人数占两个车间人数的5/8甲车间调出90人后甲乙车间人数比是2:3原来两车间共几人 谚语的由来或用谚语怎么赞美琴技日益提高 谚语的来源?There is a skeleton in every house.家家有本难念的经. Why do parents and their children sometimes find their relationship difficult? 谚语的来历 歇后语由来 蛋白质为什么不能从细胞核出去进入细胞质 would you like to go to the movie的正式回答 would you like to go to the movies?中的would 是情态动词么? We are looking in each other 具体点的, we are madefor each help each other when both are in humble circumstances什么意思? We write each other.We are( ).这个括号里应填什么? Mum,do you know where ____ of my shoes is I just find ____ under my bed.A.other; two B.others; itC.another; them D.the other; one l (c ) find my shoes.Where are they?怎么填 第一个正确的给好评