
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:54:03
形容队伍不整齐的词语形容行进中的队伍没有队形,非常慌乱的词语. 军队可以用什么词形容两个以上的四字词语或成语 形容队伍很整齐的词语有哪些 疯狂猜图三角形正方形圆和叉品牌 疯狂猜图里面有三角形圆形正方形和X是什么品牌 班级举行数学竞赛,一共20道题,规定答对一题得五分,不答或答错一题扣八分,明明得了74分,请问他一共答对了几道题? 共20题,规定答对一题得5分,不答或答错一题扣8分,明明得了74分,请问他一共答对了几道题? 人生最快乐的一件事是什么如题 牵手走到最后 形容剑拔出来的词语 形容一把剑好的句子?形容一把剑的锋利 怎么形容哭得很厉害的句子 一个两位数,既是2的倍数,又含有因数3和5,这个数最小是(). 一个数既是2的倍数,又有因数3和5,这样的两位数是 写个关于乔丹精神的150左右的作文素材 英语翻译朋友们要来参加我的生日Party.朋友们到之前,我要和妈妈再检查一下是否一切准备就绪.编一组对话,要求用到现在完成时态.不少于15句话. a new have party birthday for i my dress连词成句用上面的单词组成一个英语句子,快点现在要. 初中英语单选 会做几道说几道答案我有,重在原因解释,最好解释一下为什么其他选项不对,谢谢~!1,--hello!i have not see you for a long time. --oh,John,___? A,how are you B,how do you do2,after___ walk,you will find th 初中英语单选答案+解释~~完整点~~先谢啦1 I think swimming can make me very( ) A good B health C comfortable D well2 My glasses are broken. i will have to buy ( ) A a new one B new ones C another one D a new pair3 Jack likes watching vi 单选What did you do ( ) the morning ( ) June 5 A.on ,of B.in ,onHalf of the population in China ( ) farmers.A.is B.are Forty percent of the lang here ( ) into rice fields.A.has turned B.has been turnedWould you mind my leaving now?A.No,go ahead B.N 几道初中英语单选.1)____ of the hats suited him ,so Jack had to try on the third one.A.Neither B.Either C .Both2) —Have you brought ___ with you We won't have time to come back.—Don't worry.All the things we need are here ,in the bag.( 老师叫我们写一篇叫《我看乔布斯》的作文. I'm ,party ,Saturday ,have ,birthday ,going ,to ,a ,on (连词成句) 乔布斯为什么成功了?乔布斯性格缺陷一大堆,而且很多都是领导者的大忌,最终怎么就被他成功了呢?而且被他比下去了那么多优秀者!你来说说,他到底是怎么回事,竟然这么厉害! she ()(be)going to have a birthday party 乔布斯的成就 记英语单词的有效方法 Connie has been working in the factory __ she was twenty years old.A.for b.before c.since d.afterWe're not sure if we can win,but __ we should have a try.A.at last b.at most c.at all d.at leastBob's parents often encourage him hard.A.work b.to work c 1.we are ___________(have)a birthday party.2.there are lots of children at__________(ben)party.3.it is _______(five)of october.4.my birthday is coming.let's __________(has)a party.5.would you like___________(play) with me? Shall we have a birthday party .( 同义句)_____ _____have a birthy party.he doesn listen to music.同义句he____ _____listen to music We are planning to have a surprise party ________ her fifteenth birthday.A.at B.in C.for D.with二B不行吗,在他的15岁生日上! We are ______ ______(计划)have a birthday party for her. 开心暑假泉州篇四年级下册34页念儿歌,填数字