
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:05:47
长字开头取字结尾中间要有十四个成语有哪些 名字叫嘉雪,起一个什么样的英文名,就有这两个字的谐音一样的那种最好也能说下有什么含义. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster ___ if a mirror was broken.A:was sure of striking.B:was sure of having struck.C:was sure to be struck.D:was sure to strike.二:____ to turn off the electricity before you leave.A:Make sure.B:Be sur.C You are not allowed to smoke here.to smoke作宾语补足语.宾语是哪个啊?句子成分怎么分析呢?还有类似这句I want something to read.to read在剧中作定语修饰something.但 I want to read something.这个to read 是宾语补足 一道英语选择:The WHO estimates that 9,700 people will eventually die of the disaster's aftereff...一道英语选择:The WHO estimates that 9,700 people will eventually die of the disaster's aftereffects,but Greenpeace last week predicted t “长”字开头的成语,“菱”字结尾的成语有哪些? (the purpose of life ,a good sharing of idea,if you have a life ,you must be duty f 谁可以推荐几本关于诗词的书 求抒情诗词等书籍,比如宋词介绍几个 等等 帮忙介绍一本关于唐诗宋词的书 长字开头的成语有那些 quite a few people used to believe that disaster was sure______if a mirror was broken.a\of strikingb\of having struckc\to be struckd\to strike为什么选4d? Last night one of my friends invited me to a c_____ party The book will give you an idea_life was like in ancient Greece.A.how BwhereCthat Dwhat是一个什么从句?然后说一下原因 Have you got the idea(that)this book gives you ofyou of life in ancient Greece?从句类型及意思that做什么成分? 请问一下有人知道关于诗词的书在线等了,非常谢谢大伙了0i “长”字开头的俗语 用英语写作文《我的梦想》内容是“我相当漫画家”,50的单词左右,要求写出来的英文作文简单一些,内容构造不要太复杂.例如开头:“I am going to be 漫画家(英语不会说TUT~)” (另外:把英文 关于 我的梦想 来写作文 500字严禁抄袭 形容水滴的词语 形容水滴小的词语(两字) 为什么称作南北回归线?好像是什么太阳直射? 决定生物形状的基因都在染色体上吗?打错了,是性状 谁能帮我写一个关于以“土地”为话题的500字左右的作文? 非常感谢! 作文《保护土地,节约土地》500字 "WIll you go fishing tomorrow?" "It _____ on the weather __well go fishing tomorrow depends on the weatherA.if B.whether C.that D.where 向塑料杯种倒入热水杯壁上,过一会儿为什么会出现小水珠(水浸没的地方) 像一张大蒲扇似的荷叶,舒舒服服地铺在水面上.有一天早晨,荷池里的鱼儿一打挺儿,溅起的水花落在荷叶上.一颗颗水珠在荷叶上滚动,好看极了.有一个孩子欢快地叫着说 你们快来看哟 那荷 don‘t it like they at all连词成句 比较好的研究宋词的书有哪些 I don't like it at all还原陈述句怎么写