
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:18:32
what do you think about the first candidate? 用who,which 或that把下列的句子连成含有定语从句的复合句 1.The professor has arrived.He will give us Jay Chou will a _______in shanghai tomorrow.He has to go to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句) 将两个句子合并为含有宾语从句的复合句who will she go shopping w将两个句子合并为含有宾语从句的复合句who will she go shopping with? l want to know. I think Unit 2 is ________ than Unit 1.A.more easier B.very easier C.much easier 芋贵人、鲜芋仙、 香芋仙 你喜欢哪一个.比较一下有什么不同.我只有吃过鲜芋仙... 鲜芋仙同香芋仙哪个品牌好 What will you eat first? please hold your that false smile,that will only let me more _____I speak to your brother,please?_____.Please hold on. One day the boss asks Tom___1__ Mr.Green in London.But Tom doesn’t know the ____2__ to Mr.Green’s.When he ___3__ London,he gets ___4__the bus.He stops a ___5__ and asks the way._____6__ the help,he finds Mr.Green’s.Two weeks ___7____,Tom needs I have a white pen同义句是什么? 初三英语作文What do you often do after you get up in the morning?60词以上 还有哪些类似《萌芽》文章风格的杂志? 《萌芽》这本杂志怎么样?是什么风格的文章?如题 萌芽杂志里的一篇文章讲的是一个人成绩很烂,经过一年的努力,考上大学,还是新概念作文一等奖获得者. It won't rain tomorrow.I will go boating.(用if连成复合句) 饶有趣味 意思 饶有趣味是什么意思?什么意思? 饶有趣味的意思?是饶有趣味不是饶有风趣和饶有兴趣 饶有趣味的解释 “饶有趣味”里“饶”是什么意思?急 English is very difficult .We need to work( ) at it every day.English is very difficult .We need to work( ) at it every day.对于你们只不过是举手之劳而已,但是我需要精确的答案! She is not interested ___ math at all.A.for B.in C.to D.about 我想在1年之内达到能流畅地读外国的英语小说的能力,首先我要说明①我是个高中生所以没有很多时间在回家看英语,我只能在坐校车的时候背背单词②我大概每天能花1个小时的时间专门看英 作为一个英语爱好者 如何才能做到完完全全的说一口流利的英语仅仅凭借书中所介绍的内容 在生活中遇到的问题 很多连自己都会觉得棘手 看一小节 就会陷入摸棱两可的境遇. 请问 如 英语需要过几级才能达到电影中的流利程度? uncle Paul的音标 如何说一口流利的英语?已经读了几周英语了,每天都跟磁带读,但是最近感觉嘴皮子跟不上,很容易发错音或者嘴皮子不灵,稍微一快就乱套了,请问如何说流利的英语? Flowers grow better ___ there is enough rain and sunlight .A. the places where B. in the places which C .in which D .where 为什么答案是D?这是什么用法,是定语从句吗?为什么没有先行词呢? Flowers grow better__there is enough rain and sun lightA.the places where B.in the places which C.in which D.where 我们依恋长江 改成感叹句一定要感叹句!