
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:12:55
求better future的歌词就是08年奥运会时候的一首歌最好是LRC的歌词 不是a better future 是better future 是男女对唱的一首,不知道的不要随便发言了~ work harder for a better future rt his()arrive made me surprised(突然的) 英语翻译Choose music wisely.One video we saw featured loud heavy metal music.Not only did it sound truly awful,but the video content was mainly made up of happy snaps of staff standing by their equipment.If that wasn't bad enough,staff at the sta 求演讲稿 话题是better future better life字数大概三四百吧,可以任意的发挥!写的很好,但是演讲稿要求是英文的!如果是英文的就更棒了! 急需一篇英文演讲稿,希望你能帮帮我,话题是 better future bettet life 情态动词的题-It's terrible that I cannot find my keys.-look in the drawer .You ___ have put them there.A.cannot B.might not 答案B我的问题是为什么不能选A还有look 跟的介词为什么是in 我记得老师说look后面跟at.. 选哪个,请给出原因.A.that spent B.what to be spent C.it had been D.which was spentIn Martin Luther King's time,the money spent in educating a black child was just one fourth of_______on each white child.但是我们老师说过that前不加介 英语选择 What ___was that he should have been awardedWhat ___was that he should have been awarded the first prize.A.made me amazing B.amazed meC.made me surprising D.surprise me Efforts to create a better 关于情态动词的两道题if you don't like to swim ,you _____ stay at home .A.should as well B.may as well C.can as well D.would as well但我觉得C也可以,那为什么不选C呢 He began to write two hours ago.He _______ have finished the ar Can you fee my can you fee my word?中英文翻译 way around 翻译 少儿学英语有没有难度?具体怎么辅导 怎么教少儿学英语 英语翻译 如题 “卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭”的含义 《回答》这首诗用了怎样的表现手法 "卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证/高尚是高尚者的墓志铭"出自北岛的《》.填空题 Close one,but it's not true! 大概的同义词 time the love,dark What kind of your body language?什么意思 what i like best is fishing我最喜欢的是钓鱼这句话是什么结构啊?也不是感叹句啊... 给词语重新排列, 一道数学题,知道的大侠请回答,的对的追加100分.甲数的绝对值是乙数绝对值的2倍,在数轴上甲乙两数在原点的同侧,并且对应两点的距离等于10,求这两个数. a couple of 为什么用there are,前面不是有a吗那 有一筐鸡蛋是用there is a basket of eggs还是 there are what is 10plus20?的中文是什么 modern trains in the country 是甚么意思?the travelers on the modern trains 是甚么意思? 高中英语句子转换Many international problems are being discussed at the UN conferenceMany international problems are _ _ at the UN conference a socialist country the boss refused to sell the car for___he thought was mot satisfactory