
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:24:22
D o you know( )the MP4 Player yesterday?A how much did he pay for B how much he paid for? -Can you guess ______the new schoolbag yesterday?-Sorry,I've no much did he pay for much he spent much he paid much did he spend on为什么选B呢?我觉得B和C都差不多啊 The rising sun was hidden by the clouds.中为什么不能用risenrisen可以作形容词“升起的”,为什么不能用这个词呢?请各位赐教了. THE RISING SUN怎么样 the Rising Sun会不会是指代英国 急求英语短文,关于《My Ambition》, 写篇英语小作文:my ambition理想是成为医生~~! ambition的作文,是画家的好一点的 求高中英语作文my ambition 初二英语作文 60词~ 题目: my ambition , 加翻译 同学们平时一定注意到了车轮都是圆的,并且车轴都装在圆心上.这是为什么呢?说说为什么 Is it only a fad or an irresistible trend for foreign people to learn Chinese?Why?帮忙写一篇100左右的口语作文,感激不尽~ The sun is rising变间接引语就是这句话无主语 The sun is rising怎么改成完成时的间接引语The sun is rising改成间接引语。这道题是新概念第一册第102课的课后练习A部分第5题。看到许多答案都是改的过去式或一般现在时的,能不能改成完成时 方向The sun is rising in the east 为什么要加the这个东方是指世界的东方 也就是独一无二的吗 my school 初中英语作文东港中学 有38个教室有3个教学楼 有四层 一个操场 和 一个食堂 两个微机室 两个美术室有一些数和花是 树 不是数 初中英语作文,My Favourite School Subject,60词左右 英语翻译比如说名字叫张易,那么他的Surname(s)(family name(s)),Surname(s) at birth(earlier family name(s)),First names 分别该怎么写,如果名字叫张天明,又该怎么写. SURNAME(FAMILY NAME)和SURNAME AT BIRTH(EARLIER FAMILY NAME)这两个各是什么意思啊?有区别么? I am not kidding you. the sun is rising是什么意思 成语运用,哪个成语好一点?A:伤心欲绝B:痛不欲生C:悲恸欲绝D:哀痛欲绝E:悲痛欲绝 i am kidding u now "The sun is rising" 间接引语怎么写?Example:He is playing basketball->He says he has played basketball i very honored ,i am kidding the sun is rising 改成间接引语要怎么改 i just kidding 和 i am just kidding有什么差别么..那干嘛要加am. 基于Web的计算是什么意思 $web 什么意思 web 到底甚么意思 homework,word,sorry,word中的o哪个发音不同 Sorry,please got out of my word!