
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:41:08
油溶染料与油性染料是一回事吗? Animals would like to live in m___ ,because they want to be free they also want to find a Chinese friend to be their guide because they can not s__ Chinese 首字母填 Two old women live in a quiet street in Paris.They are friends and neighbours.They often go for a walk along the street on fine days.One day,they are walking by the river Seine.The sun shines,the weather is warm,there are flowers everywhere and there 有关因人类乱砍伐树木后所带来灾难的实例,马上要用啊! 关于乱砍树木导致灾难的事例 free dog在英语里是什么意思? (英语)be 英语中free的近义词是什么?在in his free time中的! As close friends ,they used to do to school < > AA.face to face B.in other words C.as result D.side by side2.....we will do anything we can < .>youa..help b..helping c...to help d...helped (这选什么,给讲讲)3...excuse me .could you tell me they used to walk to school 同义句people sure change ()()?和let's face the challenges() ()?变反义疑问句 They--good friends and often visited each oeher A.are used to being B.are used to be C.used to beoeher改成other打错了,为什么不能选B Tom is talking to a stranger excitedly as if they ______ close friends1.were2.are 3.are being4.have been 写出它们的结构简式请写出2-丙醇,苯酸乙酯的结构简式.谢~最好写出结构式 写出以下结构简式1.甲苯2.硝基苯3.甲醇4.乙醛 我有个银白色的内胆杯子 不生锈 那说明他是不是 铝的?听说铝的杯子用对身体有害的?是钢还是铝 怎么分? during last winter,he went to beijing————his vacation.A IN B at c with d FOR 尼亚加拉大瀑布,是.,是.,是. 为什么提倡低碳生活什么是低碳生活?低碳的含义是什么?意义呢? 立方烷的二氯代物有无旋光异构 为什么立方烷的二氯代物就是六氯代物 呼吁低碳生活我要写一篇关于我低碳我快乐的作文,里面要写一些关于呼吁大家过低碳生活片段,请问该呼吁些什么呢?该怎么呼吁? Maria was in Germany last year.She____German thereA.would learn B.was learning 关于遥控飞机遥控器我是菜鸟,求怎么制作遥控器,能使用,接受的电机能转,哪里有卖 黄金现货怎么和人民币计算啊.国际是每盎司.中国是克他们怎么换算 油菜籽振动筛的设计特点是什么? 振动筛偏心轴怎么设计 化工产品中“三醇三苯”指的是哪些? 化工产品中 苯类产品都有哪几种? 在不同地区,种植棉花,所需要的化肥数量差别大吗?比如在山东和江苏或者湖南,都是种植棉花,几个地方在化肥的施用量上差别大吗? 棉花施肥哪种肥料好? 棉花怎么施肥啊?.用什么肥料好.