
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:10:15
英语书上原句:There is nothing much to do .请问:much不是修饰不可数吗?为什么? I don't want to go out now.It's raining hard ,____ I'm so tired.A.however B.in fact C.but D.besides 找一首歌.总是唱please don t go away这句对了 把有效的下载地址贴上来 Nancy always goes to the hospital,but as everyone knows,she is very healthy.Why? we don't want you to go away 中文意思翻译中文 I would like some sandwiches . 这句子对不对? I'd like to buy some lemons(根据答句写问句) I such incurable fall in love with you to love you什么意思? 十二米电线杆需埋多深 cut in line 是插队的意思,如果“我知道插队是不好的”这句话中插队用“cut in line”表示cut还改变形式吗?比如说cutting He is good at in _(health/healthy) 连词组句 don't,I,you,want,to,youself,cut 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子 If you want to ()()()根据汉语提示,完成下列句子1.If you want to ()()()(把你的意思表达清楚),you need to know the differences()American English()(在...之 If you had trouble_______ your physics,you’d better ask Mr Liu___.A .in; for some advices B.in; some advices C.with; for some advice D.on; some advice 为什么C? 开机进入bios.最底下显示time date hard disk type进不了系统 本来好好的,过完年回来就成这样了,显卡拔下来重新插,线也插过了,着急,求解决.cmos电池放电?怎么放啊,重设bios恢复默认值怎么弄啊?大 Date error和Hard disk configaration We'll sit in the front so that we can hear the speaker more clearly.(变成简单句)We'll sit in the front __ __ __ hear the speaker more clearly. its hard to imagine __________ in a place where there is no electricity.living live to live lived 类似《all i ever wanted》 这样的歌曲, 谁有All I Ever Wanted的MP3歌曲的链接 他总是愿意尽全力 He is always ______ ______try______ _____ He is___as a 'bellyacher'-he is always complaining about something.A.who is known B.whom is known C.what is known D.which is known为什么不能选B 我27岁,女性,中文名字中有个"娱"字,想取个英文名字, 求 lady gaga (speechless)中文歌词 lady gaga的speechless的歌词speechless的歌词原文和中文翻译、 lady gaga speechless 的中文谐音 因本人英语基础差一定要是 谐音 不是翻译 这首歌 忘了说了 是整首歌的词 我想学lady gaga的Speechless~如题~可是我英语不好~怎么办呢?可不可以帮我写成中文音译?例如英文的 you 写成中文是又 Speechless 无言以对(Lady GaGa/Stefani Germanotta)I can’t belive what you said to meLast night happy play与happy to play的区别 We willl very happy to play basketball. 这里的to play basketball是什么句子成分?这句话奇怪的地方是,可以说是:1.原因状语---因为订货而高兴.2.结果状语---因降价而高兴,高兴的结果是订货.3.目的状语--- it is you i have love (怪物史瑞克主题曲)的前奏部分是用什么乐器演奏的无有没有伴奏部分?我想听纯音乐版的... bill of lading copy与copy bill of lading和copy of bill of lading三者有何区别?它们的意思我明白.只是区别? non-negotiable bill of lading 货代提供不了怎么操作