
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:07:37
Is afraid of being hurt again?Rest assured,will not let you hurt. 有人说I will not hurt you时,该怎么用英语回答 谁给介绍一下雅典这个城市,用英文的. 雅典的英文怎么说?十万火“鸡”! 雅典的英文的什么?把雅典翻译成英文 爱琴海、雅典的英文就雅典、爱琴海的英文! 考托福买什么词汇书,语法书好,要全面的当我什么都不会,从头学起,准备苦学几年 you hurt me badly 在线翻译的意思是你伤害了我不好 我觉得中文说不通 然后问了朋友说是你伤害了我还一笑而过 这我就看不出是怎么翻译的了 有没有更接近的翻译啊 如何做不用芝士的披萨饼 英语中...badly hurt与hurt badly有什么区别可不可以吧 his leg is badly hurt改为his leg is hurt badly 为什么我做的披萨面饼很硬?奶酪也没化呢?今天中午做了个披萨 步骤是这样的:1.先用一碗半的面 温水 安琪酵母揉的面.揉了10多分钟,面的表面微粘,算是光滑了.2.在面团上放了一块湿润的蒸馒 做披萨用什么奶酪好 雅典名字的由来 英文介绍要中等难度的5分钟左右 给2篇初2英语作文 dream》《My schoo1 life》 80个单词 注意单词要初2以前学过 人教版(新版啊)选修6的包括课文,听力,单词等的MP3格式的录音能发给我么?谢谢!很急!邮箱:xiao_0408@sina.cn how has technology changed our way of living?business?Do you think it is created more work or less?作文,给个方向, 1.Do you know___the work?A.what to do B.how can do C.how to do D.which to do 2.More and more___be1.Do you know___the work?A.what to do B.how can do C.how to do D.which to do2.More and more___begin to study Chinese.A.America B.American C.Americans D.A 英超的英文是什么?FA是哪两个单词? 英超联赛用英语怎么说?九霄云外 英超联赛用英语怎么说? 请问,英超联赛用英语怎么说? 英超联赛用英语怎么说?气味相投 what do you think we can-----to make the advertisement more attractive and interesting 选项 A,bring up B,bring in C.bring down D.brIng with 每个选项的意思是什么 英语翻译:时光追溯到古希腊时代. 英语翻译晕,各种回答,哪个是正确的呢? “从古希腊时代开始”英语怎么说?别用GOOGLE翻译 do you know how to work out this problem?Give me some more time.i think i am able to()a good diea.A.think of B.worry about C.think about D.think over ——Do you know how to work out this problem?——Give me some more time.I think i am abl——Do you know how to work out this problem?——Give me some more time.I think i am able to _____ a good idea.A.think of B.worry about C.think about D.th .The factory has been ________ for three years.A.to open B.opening C.open D.openedA.to open B.opening C.open D.opened 急.... always sleep with the window__.A.opened B.open C.opening D.being open答案是选B.open不是应该表被动选A吗,同时再问为什么不表示状态选C.求详解 can you take only three matches away中文 翻译:"what did you want to do three mounths ago?和what did you decide to do?