
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:02:00
新概念英语(新版)2B书的附套光盘DVD怎么听(不是MP3)需要什么软件最好是截图 用动物来譬喻人的例子 一段英语开场白,急比赛内容是关于“名人故事”的.我只需要一段英语开场白.不是要名人的故事哈,是关于名人故事的开场白. 你能找出人们用动物的某种特性来作譬喻.教育人启发人警戒人的例子吗说一说急 你能找出人们用动物的某些特性来作比喻,教育人、启发人、警戒人的例子吗?(除了蜘蛛) 怎么进行语文教学讲课?由于刚参加工作,我也没什么经验,也不知道怎么讲课.如果一篇新课文分两节课讲,请问讲课的顺序应该如何啊?第一节课讲什么?第二节课讲什么啊? 浅谈如何在语文教学中进行课外阅读指导1 I stay at home on Sundays.如果对I提问应该怎么做的 浅谈如何进行语文精读课文的教学 ( )happy my family is!是A wwhat B how C Where 英语翻译Everyone has a family.I have a family,too.I name it “Happy family”,because everyone in my family is happy.Come and meet my family,please!My mother is kind.I love her,and she loves me,too.My mother is pretty.She likes beautiful clothes It's a happy family!/ 请按例子在括号内用某种动物来比喻次类型的人例:立场不稳,见风使陀的人(变色龙)1.笑脸相迎,两面三刀的人()2.一毛不拔吝啬钱财的人()3.孤陋寡闻风识不广的人() 在括号内用某种动物来比喻此种类型的人例:立场不稳,见风使舵的人(变色龙)1、笑脸相迎,两面三刀的人( )2、孤陋寡闻风识不广的人( )3、没有依靠无处投奔的人( )4、强横无赖独 怎样才能写好语文教案 如何写好语文教学设计 教师如何写好语文教案 语文新课程如何写好教学设计 如何写好低年级语文教学设计 i can have different foods for lunch,i eat chicken,rice and fish ,i hace dinner at home 翻译 -----Is there anthing wrong Bob?You look sad.-----Oh,nothing much.I ____ home for dinner.A.have just thought B.would just think C.was just thinking D.will just be thinking Look!The workers are still working()the heavy rain A.from B.in C.at D.to ___Lucy___the piano at home now.(改为一般疑问句) look that those birds was so happy flew in the rain.请问下 怎么翻译“看那 那些鸟儿是如此开心的在小雨中飞行” The workers are_____because thier boss hasn't paid them for months A.angry B.happy C.satisfied 如何说课?说些什么?说课前的准备? 请问小学语文课教案该怎么写? 有点急, I ____ her to our home to have dinner sometime. L___ her to our home to have dinner sometime. he has to have dinner at home改为一般疑问句 I'd prefer_______at home on Saturday.A.to stay B.stay C.staying D.stayed a fund created by setting aside regular sums for investment 好急 好急