
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:49:50
It seems to me that be would like to go back home为什么用be 英语翻译What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost?Taking Back SundayTransformers 变形金刚music..And then you said a little more about your dreams,like that was my callIf you would only listenBypassed everything and went straight for the neck(I study) Today,I am very sad! 三阶魔方还原图解本人会转一个面,后面的就不会了,希望可以给到一个好一点的图解,不要视频 求英语高手帮忙找下这篇作文的错误,包括单词拼写,语法,结构,只要是错误就行As we all know,women are totally different from men in many ways,such as the body,face and ways of doing things.Women are more sensitive while men 点菜时想求别人推荐一下用英语怎么说 “点菜 ”用英语怎么说 用统计的方法做个调查写一篇作文 home 音标home的音标是什么 home的音标 老师叫我写一篇快乐来自于…的作文请大家帮忙 英文名chantal的音标 病句改错:I was terribly upset and also worried what she would be very angry.将what改为if为什么不行 I'm very upset and don;t know what ( )[do].为什么? 已知数列an为等比数列,a2=2,a5=1/4,则a1a2+a2a3+...+anan+1等于,详细过程是什么 已知{an}是等比数列,a2=2,a5=1/4,则a1a2+a2a3+…+anan+1的取值范围是() 点菜的英文 给我写一篇 我的期待 作文 "我想点菜"用英文怎么说?是在看好菜单的情况下,看到服务员很忙,我需要叫服务员说:“我要点菜”.别乱答题! 英语翻译There are many rules for residents(居民) living in Firhall,Nairn Town in Scotland.They can’t keep ducks,rabbits,pigeons and bees.Every family can have one dog—but can’t have resident children.And the owner must be over forty-five 中译英,(EASY,2句话)不可能.因为越向北走越冷,而文中说向北走有草地,而向西走却有雪.所以不对. 如图,直三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1中,AC=BC,AA1=AB,D为BB1的中点.E为AB1上的一点,AE=3EB1.证明;DE为异面直线AB1和CD的公垂线;问题二.设异面直线AB1与CD的夹角为45度,求二面角A1-AC1-B1的大小··求各位高手解答 · 如图,已知在直三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1中,D,E,分别是棱AB,BB1的中点,且AC=CB=5,AB=BB1=8,(1)求证;BC1∥平面A1CD.(2)求△CDE的面积.解答(2)即可. no place like home -Babyface kenny G 的歌词 急求翻译医学专业英语摘要,不要翻译软件的.谢谢. 在线等.目的:探讨地震灾害累计伤亡数量的变化速率,寻求医疗救援效率评价指标和方法.方法 收集地震发生后每日、72小时及最终累计伤亡 谁来帮我翻译这三段专业英语,不要用翻译软件,谢谢,急用Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays passthrough the body, they 英语翻译Following the eighteenth-century nomenclature of Stephen Hales,chemists referred io this as the problem of fixation of nitrogen.The rise of the Nobel explosives industry based upon nitroglycerine and dynamite was also to increase demand f 关与餐厅点菜的英语短句 苏教版八年级物理课本约重多少N? 八年级物理课本重约多少N 八年级物理课本重约多少牛顿 我们要给外国人留下好的印象 英语怎么说