
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:49:42
Only With You 歌词 老外用英语怎么讲 英文笔友该怎么回信?她是外国的,她隔了好久才给我回信,一个劲的在信中说对不起.我咋回阿! 国际通用的英语是发美式音还是英式音? ___(do)Marry like ___(help)others?Yes,she always helps( )(we)with our Maths. She has a kind h--------- and she always she offers help to people in trouble. 求教大虾这句话写得对不对呢:Your visa and work permit have completed and received both today. 1they have kept ()on this project for thrree years ( work )2the children will climb the hill if it ( ) tomorrow A won,t rain B didn,t rain Cdoesn,t rain D isn,t raining 3Neither his father nor he ( ) the island A has been to Bhas gone to C have b today it is _____-hot,but we still have_____work to doA much many B much too ,too muchC toomch much too D very too like和enjoy后的动词加ing?求大神帮助 求一篇800字左右的关于理想的作文 英语翻译This expense has depleted our funds.这笔花费已使我们的资金所剩无几.我的翻译是this expenditure almost depleted our fund every weekend i climb mountains.翻译成汉语 enjoy后面只能加动词ing形式吗 9.I will cherish every good to me, I will cherish every good to me I will cherish every good to me. I will cherish every good to me!求翻译 I will cherish every good to me .CherishI will cherish every good to me .Cherish what you have.这句话 为什么enjoy的后面接动词的ing形式? enjoy后面接动词要加ing吗 我想去新东方学英语,但是人在杭州,怎么办? 想去新东方学英语.我现在是大二暑假,今后想出国,学电气工程的,知道现在有点晚,但我一定努力.想利用暑假时间赶紧学一下英语,至少先入了门,以后会努力学的.想请过来人给我说说我现在应 如果报考西安科技大学,会不会限制英语分?如果限制的话,限多少? 上海除了新东方还有哪可以学英语类似新概念 展望未来 等这种 老外要给我写信,问我们家的地址,我该怎么发给他呢?假如我们家的地址如下江苏省扬州市幸福小区1栋1号还有怎么用准确的英语表示啊?别说什么问邮局之类的废话 给外国人写信怎样写地址?地址是:北京市海淀区育英学校初三一班周延 给外国人写信,自己的地址怎么填?比方说:中国,山东省淄博市张店区XX小区X号楼X单元XXX那些小区名称、单元之类的该怎么写? 大学英语竞赛成绩什么时候出来 义正()括号填什么 括号填反义, 请问,大学英语竞赛 有成绩单没?