
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:03:46
I kate on ____ way home yesterday.此空为什么要用my而不用me.不好意思,我打错了,开头应该是I met Kate____.但是我还是有点疑问。这个空里是否能填her呢? 英语翻译Nittakarn Chomworakul 的正确翻译是什么! 英语翻译คุณมียอดค่าโทรคงเหลือ 18.64 บาท คุณสามารถ 怎样讲小学英语题 who can help me fix this essay!thank you very much~In recent years,parents have had many choices to educate their children,like conventional schools,boarding schools,home schoolings and distance education.Some people believe that high school students 《初恋这件小事》的女主角一直是一个人吗?差别太大了啊 if you don't take time...这句什么意思if you don't take time,then when are you gonna have time? 学分英语怎么说 英语翻译因为看好多泰国电视里面都有这个话,虽然看了很多,但是这个读音的印象我最深刻,忘了这读音的泰语翻译成中文的意思了, 什么叫take you time? 翻译take you time What are you ____after school today?A.do B.did C.doing 1.There's a__(write)desk.2.I would like__(play) volleyball.3.My sister is tall,what about __(you)?4.__everyone like the tea?A.Do B.Does C.Can D.Are4.Can you tell me how__(write)?5.I'm reading a letter__my friend.A.of B.for C.from D.to6.Do you have an 小学英语理解、讲解、判断Some years ago,there was an old woman.She had no children because she did not likechildren at all.But she loved cats.She had many mother cats and baby cats.She had black catsand white cats.The children in the neigh Spring ________ inMarch inEngland.A.begin B.begins C.ends 黄河地区的传统民居是什么 分布在黄河中下游的黄土地区当地黄土广布低温少雨的传统民居有哪些 不同地方的传统民居为何会有不同的样式 例如:蒙古包 陕西窑洞 傣家竹楼 就以这3个例如来说 帮我把“妈妈你辛苦了”翻译成英文? What is your dream campus? 跪求我与孔子同行的作文800字 阿凡达与孔子热的文章不少800字! herself she about wrote book a 连词成句 What is your dream?Everyone dreams.Some dreams can be come true while others won't.When your dream is crushed,don't be sad.Dream another dream.Your life will be going on.My dream is to be a professor in university.I am studying hard in order to reach 关于冯骥才作品《珍珠鸟》这一课的品读问题(快点啦,谁最快给谁了啊,今晚出答案)作者借助了什么与珍珠鸟共同创造了美好的境界?(可以提炼作者的行动特征)谢谢大家啦,今晚出答案, 改正此句错误的地方.We sell books in a very good price. You deserve happiness forever是什么意思 " what a couch-potato "英语翻译 黄河沿岸的民俗风情 黄河以前的生态环境是什么样子的? happy的比较级是什么 轻( )( ) abb形式