
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:32:35
Many parents think that children needs to enhence physical training are beneficial to the health请我我的语法有问题吗? 温馨的(翻译英文) “幸福童年”翻译成英语 名词性从句35.My parents used ____ they had to get a new car for me.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.all what我选的是DwHY sometimes parents want their children to do ___they can't do themselvesA that fhey feel B what they feel C what they feel that D they feel what为什么不能选C,what they feel 不是sth吗,不能用that引导定从修饰吗? 下列程序执行后的输出结果是( ).#include main() { char arr[2][4]; strcpy(arr[0],"you");strcpy(arr[1],"me");arr[0][3]='&';printf("%s \n",arr); } a、you&me b、you c、me d、err void main(){char ch[30]="nice to meet you!';strcpy(a+strlen(a)/2,"you");printf("%s\n",a);} go in a parents' car怎么翻译 英翻译中 That new type of car which will be sold in the market is produced at a rather low cost. what和how区分使用,比如What if it rains?这里的what解释成怎么办,如何的意思.How也有怎么如何的意思.但这里却用不了How.What do you say?的what也用不了How代替,分明How是怎样,如何的意思,但却用what,what what if和how about在什么情况下能互换what if和how about区别有些什么,在什么情况下能互换? How if just How much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck 是否有as if 这个词组?怎么用? i often play badminton with my son when i am f_____.填空 中级口译第一次参加口试的人通过率多少就是第一次参加口试就通过的比例 2+2*2^2+3*2^3+……n*2^n=?*是乘号 what of 是不是短语,如果是,如果可以举一下,常见的例子,请举出! “你应该多吃鱼、肉、豆类食品!特别是蔬菜,不要吃太多甜食!”用英语怎么写?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 what about和什么短语意思相同在改写后的句子空格上填上所缺单词,使其与原句意思相符:What about having a trip to Hangzhou next Sunday?( )( )have a trip to Hangzhou next Sunday? What if什么意思? 用what开头的词组 包括中文意思··比如 what time what's more 和什么词组意思相同? 什么是锻炼身体后最能及时补充能量的水果或食物 梁山伯与祝英台.(猜一成语) only 分解词组only以这四个字母开头,找出四个比较有意义的单词,我要写信,哈哈!英语好的哥们帮帮忙喽! if only 一定要放在句首吗? 读成语填人物入木三分 完璧归赵 滥竽充数 负荆请罪 破釜沉舟 指鹿为马 读成语,写人物1.四面楚歌——( ) 2.卧薪尝胆——( ) 3.望梅止渴——( )4.班门弄斧——( ) 5.纸上谈兵——( ) 6.铁许磨成针——( )7.毛逸自荐——( ) 8.完璧归赵——( ) 9.负 看人物填成语项庄 司马昭 东施 江郎 沛公( )才尽 ( )效颦 ( )之心,路人皆知 ( )舞剑,意在( )帮帮那个忙 What is the doctor have这句话对吗 土豪金一台是手机吗?什么手机呀