
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:36:53
想象力和创造力的区别区别 和各的特点 想象力和空间想象力有什么区别 and that' s the only way to prove you love them 想象力和思考有什么区别啊.请问想象力和思考是一样的吗,谁更重要啊.还有就是,都说想象力比知识重要,都说想象力能够创造一切,但是很多人天天都在想象自己开奔驰宝马,成为了亿万富翁, Where are we going to have it? we are going to have a holiday if it( )October When did your parents ___?A get marriedB got marriedC got marry Could you please pass me today 's newpaperA Yes,please B hare you are C You are welcome D I think so I arrived______the airport_____the morning of May 1th.A.at,on B.at,in C.in,in D.in,on还有,大师请附arrive的用法, Only time is able to understand how great love is 是什么意识?Only time is able to understand how great love is today is_(sunday/monday).we have no lessons today has sam finidhed his homework today?I have no idea.He ----it this morning .a did Bhas done C was done 一定说了理由 We wish we ____ what you did when we were at high schoolA. did B. could have done C. have done D. should do Every dog has his day. WHAT I WISH I KNEW WHEN I WAS 20怎么样 is,from,it's,gift,my,birthday,mum将这些单词连成完整的句子 a ,it,birthday,is,from,mother,gift,my{.}怎样排序 连词成句 my mum's the is for picture birthday 高二英语选择:We could have asked someone to carryWe could have asked someone to carry out the plan privatelywithout it _____.A was known B.knows C.being known D.be known请详细说说. since we have now 什么意思啊?请帮忙翻译一下 Every day,we (1) important things form the earth,(2) trees,water,and oil. 1.A.carry B.have C.getD.take 2.A.as B.like C.want D.love(1).(2)空填什么? Since we have already got everything ready for the party,_____the party will be a success.there is no doubt that我选的是:it's no doubt that这两个区别是什么?为什么选第一个而不选第二个呢? have .since did区别have .since have done?eg:I haven’t seen you since I’ve been back.I haven’t seen you since I was back. 非金属和硝酸反应一定要是浓硝酸么?稀硝酸不行么?麻烦帮忙举下例子 硝酸和非金属的反应条件众所周知,硝酸具有强氧化性,可以氧化一些非金属.没有反应的条件,也没有指明浓度的要求,可有些参考书却说要加热,而且要浓,到底是什么呢? 非金属能和硝酸反应么?非金属(例如S、C)能和浓硝酸在不加热的条件下反应么?能和稀硝酸在加热条件下反应么?能和稀硝酸在不加热的条件下反应么? 为什么硝酸与金属反应和与非金属反应会不同?若为金属,参加反应的硝酸分为两部分,一部分作氧化剂被还原,另一部分表现酸性生成硝酸盐.若为非金属,硝酸全部被还原.为什么会这样子呢? have you get back 是不是“你有去找回来吗”的意识呀 不然“你有找回来么”用英语该怎么说呢 什么是低抖动锁相环电路 您好,请问您有锁相环电路吗? Sexy,Free & Single怎么念 求sexy,free&single mp3