
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:57:11
There is a boy ____(wait) for you at the school gate? 아랐어!내자나! Error:Traffic policy does not exist 逝去的昨天,我们都会淡忘.翻译成英文 英语翻译我英语不行 时间冲淡了一切,让你我再无话题.翻译成英文 Daming is a boy ,he is 11years old(同义句)Daming is _____ _______ boy -Who is the boy outside?--A boy ___himself John .答案填calling,这句话,没有谓语啊,为什么还用非谓语啊 "昙花一现,只为韦陀"是出自什么典故? I ' d like you to ( ) my parents on Sundaym___到底哪个? I live in Grise Fjordin northem Canada. 英语从句语序I do not know when will i be free 这是宾语从句吧 从句不是用陈述语序么?应该是 I do not know when i will be free 一个英语从句的顺序问题Could you tell me how much it costs to go to Beijing.这句话候半部分为什么不是how much does it cost?有什么语法上的说法吗? 公元前770年,周平王东迁洛史称 东周 周平王东迁洛发生在几世纪 几十年代 中华民国时期中国分为多少个政权国?理解的人帮忙说下,这类问题要怎么问,我不大懂历史= =我无意间发现的.我知道的国家就中华共和国,中华帝国,中华苏维埃共和国.还有哪些势力地盘又如何 어린이 수영장 下列历史事件的先后顺序:1牧野大战,2平王东迁洛邑,3国人暴动,4犬戎攻破镐京 一道英语题The park _____ quite different when the leaves have fallen.The park _____ quite different when the leaves have fallen.A.will have lookedB.was lookingC.will lookD.looks选什么,为什么选这个而不选其他?) C.N.BLUE 单身(외톨이야) mp3格式我要放Q空间内.一定要是mp3格式,其中不能含有“...”,”等等符号. 英语选择题with_____news coming,the trapped villagers grew more and more longer more C.not any longer D.not any more 为什么中国古人不是遭贬就是怀才不遇. With ___news coming,the trpped villegers grew more and more longer more.为什么选A选B行吗?还有“not any more”“not any longer”是不是放句末的? i think the news and the history of the english have more intereting .compard with advance englis有没有语法错误 his bother is ____English teacher in ____university in Nanjing;an B.a;an;a 选哪个? 수출면장是什么意思应该从哪里拿那个东西 장난 치지마 Why is Food Wasting a major Problem in Our World?Please Don't transelate into Chinese I can't REALLY Read Chinese!The main Idea is to Answer tihs question! 句子中举例多种物品后以and more结束,其意思与and so on一样吗? 为什么会得精神分裂,什么是精神分裂 “洛邑”是今天哪一城市?“戎寇”指什么? 洛邑现在是什么名字