
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:45:03
英语作文 I want...pen pal.只要6句话,今晚要.能加上汉语吗 快餐店用英语怎么说 He doesn't study hard改为附加疑问句 The results( )he doesn't study hard.I want to be ( )to get there.A.first one B.the first C.one firstShe will ask you( )to her birthday party.A.comes B.came C.coming D.to come He took care of the boy ________ he were his own son.(Unit10-9)A.become?B.as though?C.for?D.even though为什么选B不选其它?请分析一下语境. If he isn't careful.If he doesn't study hard.两句分别改同意句. 英语翻译英语有归西这说法没 you can go to West Hill Farm( )给50分 how long have the greens--.how long have the greens--.A marriedB be married C got married D been married how long 和how far的区别,最好举例.我知道how long可以问时间,这个不考虑就单纯两个在长度距离的区别 We should ()(练习)speaking English every day. 预备 用英语怎么拼 his orders were to destory the British ships that were carring supplies一个句子怎么能有两个were?分析下句子结构. There is a river ( ) two villages 钢铁是怎样练成中,最后写到保尔写了一篇《暴风雨所诞生的》但作者不是保尔而是尼古拉·阿列克塞耶维奇·奥斯特洛夫斯基 也就是钢铁是怎样炼成的作者!为什么会这样 保尔是在什么情况下创作的《暴风雨所诞生的》?他的创作经历让你有哪些启示? 保尔 柯察金写的书叫什么?是《暴风雨中的儿女》还是《暴风雨所诞生的》? 飘的意思 “准备”翻译成英语单词是? 英语翻译您所收到单据上的金额上可能会有少许变动,那是因为生鲜商品的大小不一而造成,不便之处请谅解. 一切为您创造 创造一切为您 用英语怎么翻译? They play the football on Sunday . 改错 保尔完成的巨著是什么,他克服了那些困难才完成这部巨著的 钢铁是怎样炼成的保尔经历了哪五次逆境,他是怎样战胜的 预备英文怎么拼 翻译:应该受责备的是父母,而不是孩子 the parents should be blamed ___ ___the children这里填instead of和 rather than都可以吗,答案只有前者 有答必采 It's amazing m_____ are not afraid of cats now.提问 补全问句 _is your favorite subject?It's music.补全问句_is your favorite subject?It's music._are your friends?They are in the park._is your favorite teacher?Mr.Zhang._does she usually watch TV?At the weekends._ _ is that cat?It' 改错 Are their any fish in the rivers? The twins are standing their parent.改错 wath is your favorite subject 的意思是什么