
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:07:19
Thomas Edison 是谁? You didn't go shopping yesterday,did you A Yes I did B Yes,I didn'tC NO,I didn't D No ,I did/Sorry呀,忘记打上去后面的了。后面的是__ But I have something more to buy. I didn't go shopping yesterday because of the rain 的同义句 I didn't go shopping yesterday.He didn't____ A:either B:neither麻烦说明原因谢谢啦 I want to go to Guilin you翻译中文 you want to go改为一般疑问句怎么改?准确哦, Where ___do you want to go?I want to go to Guilin.too.A.other place B.another C.else I want to join you改成一般疑问句 感恩哪位老师帮帮我翻译一下.Consider whether your life as it is reflects the art that your want to share with the world 英语翻译Enjoy the evolution of the ongoing work of art,and start to cultivate creativity in all you do —She didn’t come to school yesterday,did she —________.though she was not feeling well.A.No,she didn’t B.No,she did C.Yes,she didn’t D.Yes,she did应该回答不,她去了,为什么选D 谁可以用英文介绍Thomas Edison...约2-3分钟用英文介绍Thomas Edison内容...约2-3分钟可唔可以短d呀....讲下佢发左咩呀...在发明的过程中出现咩困难呀... she must have been ill.------she didn\t come to school yesterday .A for B because C since D as为什么用FOR 不用BECAUSE? Lucy didn't come to school yesterday,did she? _____,though she was not feeling 描写老人的手词语或成语~ plants vs zombies 2什么时候出?什么时候能玩上啊?是第二版,有火焰花,夏瓜,能种二层植物的那个版本,应该是最近发行的. plants vs zombies有什么密码? 求形容男人的手或者手指的词语,用于古风文中的! 男人的手漂亮怎么形容 英语翻译the____________________________is from china thomas edison的生日 太阳系所有行星的英文翻译? Thomas Edison的生日是( )月( )日 怎样才能成为发明家我看电视一个人,小学二年级学历,但一拍脑门就发明出一个东西(不是一拍脑门,但比喻造东西速度很快),家里全是他发明的东西,想造就造,他是怎么做到的,我也想成为发 如何成为发明家希望有发明家跟我说说心得 怎样成为发明家 pl.表示是什么? 地球是太阳系的一颗行星 英语翻译 shit这个英文怎么读? English shit是什么意思? 新的行星标准是怎样定义的呢?冥王星怎么降级了呢?在新闻上看到的冥王星被列为了矮行星?那矮行星又是什么啊? 冥王星为什么会降级,行星的概念?