
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:41:22
初二英语作文:互联网的优缺点 初二英语作文根据提示“If I have a lot of money ,I will”为题西一片短文80次左右,开头已给出提示:1帮助贫困儿童上学2让父母过上好生活3为保护环境贡献一份力量If Ihave a lot of money,Iwill do many thi 初二英语连词成句1.for have do what me advice you2.there it found hard walk to they 3.where to for go I decide vacation can't4.not sure we were when would come they5.it to out for get bed me this was of difficult morning6.knocked at he someone 初二英语下册知识点紧急 翻译 上学期我们在学地理方面真的很吃力.(have a hard time)电视和电脑能开阔学生们的视野.(open up)他说他父母希望他能讲四种语言.(be supposed to)对你来说,看电影听起来好象很有趣.(sou 这几道 急Get over,take away ,keep out,等,them要放在中间还是放后边?怎么判断?为什么是Get over them,take them away?什么时候Them要放中间?什么动词副词的? 初二英语 谢 1、 Climbing tall trees is dangerous .2、 The boy is too young to go to school .3、 Judy’s schoolbag isn’t the same as Paul’s .4、 This desk is 2 meters long .That desk is 2 desk meters long ,too .5、 Cutting down too many trees will cause 初二英语问题,急------------------急--------------------连词成句1.in order that,we,use computers,we,save time,may2.so much food,could not,Mike,ate,he,move,that3.it is,I'd like to,although,a bit,go out,late4.such a,her,kind girl,lakes,is,th 英语翻译It does not matter is one of the possible outcomes happens to be zero. 英语翻译The Buddhist ecological views are mainly embodied in its attitudes toward nature,life and ideal.The Buddhist ecological practices not only provide the Buddhists with the way of self-improvement and guide them toward their adaptation to th 英语翻译1.Revival of a dead brandWhile the “death” of a brand is a complex and sometimes controversial issue,there is ample evidence to show that neither the lifespan of a brand nor its ultimate destiny is predetermined.In fact,brand decline 英语翻译1请你告诉我这把锁是用什么制成的好吗?2你能告诉我他从美国回来多久了?3我还没有决定是否去参加迈克的生日聚会 英语翻译昨天下午雨太大了,我们除了在教室里等待别无选择.这个计划很值得仔细考虑一下.对你来说,最好不要放弃爱好. 英语翻译街舞是一种产生于非洲的舞种.这种舞简单,易跳.广泛受青年人的喜爱.随着充满活力的音乐,舞者旋转,跳跃,体现年轻人精力旺盛的一面.街舞的动作是由各种走、跑、跳组合而成,各个 本来是一道完形填空提的摘录了细小部分就是说有个人串门耽误了主人很多时间然后主人家一个人说:Why don`t you sent him away?It is ____late!A so B very C too D quite请问其他几个错在了那里? 初二英语选择,给好评 英语 选择(初二英语) (12 18:26:42)After taking me medicine,I ______ sick any more.A.don't       B.didn't        C.wasn't feel        & 初二英语选择,检查, 1、Hainan is very popular and _____ visitors visit there everyday.A.more and more B.fewer and fewer C.less and less D.many and many2、I hope you'll have a great weekend.A,Have a good day.B.Of course C.No problem D.Thanks a lot 根据句意用适当的介词或副词填空.He doesn`t want to talk to me .He is mad ______me these days.He said he was having a surprise party _______ his mother.She said she would go to her uncle`s house ______ Sunday afternoon. 1.They will have two months off during their summer hoildays.(对two months划线提问2.We can't decide which way we shall take.(改为简单句)3.你们学校的教师比我们的少吗?(翻译)他所说的和他做的不一致 初二英语几道习题1)选择:____does it take by train?About 6 hours. A How B What time C How long D How2)用health造句3)填空:Thanks very much for____my question. Would you mind ___(open)the door?Of course nt. ___you r mothe 1.The setting____________(check)just now.2.Where _____silk_______(produce)?3.When _____this story______(take)place?Not long ago. 一、根据句意及首写字母提示完成单词拼写.1、My little brother is s------ of dogs .He oncew was bitten(咬)by a dog.2、C------ are good at catching mice.3、How did the traffic accident h-----.4、We c----up the hii without diffic 跪求人教版初二英语书上册的英语单词表和3a课文的原文,只有一天时间啦! 初二英语上册第十二单元SB的3a.原文.诉求 人教版初二英语上册55页3A课文10分钟内回答 还有原文 人教版初二英语上册第5单元29页3a原文! 65到70题 我上初二英语零基础,现在补可以补回来吗?如果可以请告诉我怎么补.