
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:54:53
已知函数f(x)=4x^2-2(p-2)x-2p^2-p+1在区间[-1,1]上至少存在一个实数c,使f(c)〉0,求p的取值组成的集...已知函数f(x)=4x^2-2(p-2)x-2p^2-p+1在区间[-1,1]上至少存在一个实数c,使f(c)〉0,求p的取值组成的集合p.求 已知2次函数f(x)=4x^2-2(p-2)x-2p^2-p+1在区间[-1,1]内的任意一个实数c,都有f(c) 定积分的简单应用 如何写定积分表达式求由曲线Y=x^2 于直线X+Y=2围成的图形的面积 为什么所求面积S=∫上限1下限-2 ((2-x)-x^2) )dx 为什么是(2-x)-x^2 we all know clearly the immediate future,_______,however,it is hard to tell what lies.A.through which.B.within whichC.beyond which.D.towards which 定积分求表达式 不锈铁与不锈钢哪个好 已知log6 4=a,log6 3=b,求a+2b的值 以知3^a=2用a表示log6(2)的值的结果 设log27 12=a,则log6 16= 1/2log6^12–log6^√2的值怎么求? It___be the postman at the door.It's only six o"clock.这里为什么要用can't?---Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?---Of course,I have.It was in our village ___it was made .这里为什么要用 that? 如何检测不锈钢和不锈铁?如何快速知道不锈钢保温杯的材质是不锈钢还是不锈铁. 对数比较大小 log6 7,log7 6如何比较? [(1-log6 3)²+log6 2×log6 18]/log6 4 0的0次方算1还是算0 记忆的过程到底是编码、存储、提取,还是识记、保持、回忆或再认? (1/100)的-2次方+(1/100)的0次方+(1/100)的-1次方 如何提高政治选择题的正确率 不要大篇长论,不要空谈,最好是亲身尝试过的. 这题挺简单的,你们绝对会,我是学渣 如何提高政治哲学选择题的正确率 怎样提高政治选择题的正确率 怎样提高政治选择题的正确率啊?高三了,可现在每次政治测试都考得好差,没以前好了,特别是选择题,是主要丢分的地方.怎样才能提高做选择题的正确率呢?帮帮忙~~ 1 The drunken man began to fall over his own feet .Down ( ) again and again .A he went B did he go C went he D he did go 2 I'd like to take a week's holiday ( ) .we're too busy .A Don't worry B Don't mention it C Pardon me D Forget it . 1.---did you go somewhere on holiday?---i ____________ to go to hawaii,but i didn’t sign up for the tour in time.a.would hope b.was hoped c.had hoped d.have hoped2.--- journalists have to work very quickly in order to_______.--- i know.i like that. 高三英语选择题,求教!急!You can find the suitcase easily ,because it is ____with name and number. A.tired B.marked C.signed D.attached答案是D,就解题思路,和ABC为什么不 [log6(底)3(真)]2(方)+log6(底)18(真)·log6(底)2(真)快一些! 化简[(1-log6^3)^2+logb^2×log6^18]÷log6^4如题 怎么样让生活更美好? 怎样让他人生活的更美好 怎么让生活更美好 ()让生活更美好“(******)让生活更美好”半命题作文