
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:35:07
傅雷家书两则中有什么成语. there is no Ving 造句 注意Ving是动名词请问there is no Ving句型后面可以有in on这类的副词吗?比如:There is a car in the street.There is an apple on the table.There is no Ving后面可以有in on这类副词吗? 作者回忆十多年前家们外的紫藤萝抓住其什么特点来写的其意图是,马上回答追加100分 that 'what I'see是什么意思 请问Our classroom is as large as theirs句中的theirs 为什么要用复数形式?请问句中的theirs为什么要用复数形式? 81.Our classroom isn't the same as my cousin's(改写为同义句) Our classroom is _______ _______ my 81.Our classroom isn't the same as my cousin's(改写为同义句)Our classroom is _______ _______ my cousin's.83.The elephant walks very slowly.( 英语翻译 有一句歌词是 that's not what i want一首英文歌曲 配音一直反复 that's not what i want 是女声的歌曲 .比较伤感的曲子 起先就有一句 什么man 后来歌曲里就是有节奏感 有一句 that's now what i want ~~~ darling, that's not what i want 中文什么意识 The soup smelled very ______.应该填good 还是well 红楼梦,警换仙姑为什么要秦可卿和宝玉成亲.rt、 he's just not that into me--这句话正确翻译成中文的意思 girls please.He is just not that into you 翻译成中文是什么 he is just not that into you.翻译成中文撒意思? That is 【 】what I want.这里填exact的什么形式,为什么?老师好像说是修饰want所以用副词形式,我觉得是修饰我想要的东西的啊,不是用形容词么 1 That's___(exact)what I want.2 The doctor told my father to give up___(smoke).3 It's hard to make the final___(decide).4 The boy is too young to dress___(he).5 ___(catch)the first bus,she had to get up early.用所给单词的适当形式填空 The soup tastes ______. 1---the soup tastesA what good B what well the soup tastes a little______(salt) The fish soup tastes salty.(改为一般疑问句) The soup tastes even___(taste). 红楼梦中的秦可卿到底怎么死的啊!我最近才看87版红楼梦,秦可卿出场画面极少(呵呵,可能是演员张蕾漂亮的缘故)印象特别深刻!第3集和第4集出现了一哈,就莫名其妙的死了!书上也是模糊不 怎么判断关系副词在定语从句中是作主语、宾语还是状语?最好多举一些例句,不好意思,怎么判断关系代词在定语从句中是作主语还是宾语?最好多举一些例句, 《骑鹅旅行记》读后感要450字左右自己写的 Just go with the flow ||翻译成中文是什么意思 《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》读后感 The coat looks _ and sells _ .A.well;well B.good;nice C.nice;good D.nice;well this necklace looks_ and sells_ A.well;well B.good;nice C.nice;good D.nice;well- It tastes good.和 It looks nice.的语法问题.请问:这两句话中,it tastes good它吃上去不错.应该是它“被”人吃后口感不错(即it is tasted).但是,为什么还是用tastes,而不是被动语气呢?同理,it looks nice. 关于水浒传人物性格和事件人物越多越好 要有绰号每个人物介绍要较详细 大约一百字左右事件不能太简略 写出体现出的人物特点 水浒传的人物性格,事件,(卢俊义,戴宗,时迁,张顺,石秀,孙二娘,三娘,顾大嫂,柴进,杨志)格式:人物名称:林冲性格:懦弱,缺少反抗意识……事件:风雪山神庙,逼上梁山……(如果答案较佳 彩票算概率问题有49个号码,开7个,不重复.我买4个号码,只要7个号码中开出其中一个就算中奖,那么中奖的概率是多少?要怎么算?