
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:40:11
文凭能否代表知识水平的正反方辩论例子 The instrument is being repaired by a friend of my father's.这句话为什么到过来说这是个什么句型? 辩论赛,反方:文凭比能力更重要.怎么总结 用 【...the same as...】 【...to help do...】 【 ...make...do...】【 ...to help with...】 【...to take...(period of time)】 用这五个分别给我造句 三个点就是前面也要有句子哦 英语问题高手来first Ur,under its Sumerian king and first law codifier ,Shulgi,and then Amoritic Babylonia,under its great ruler, Hammurabi, assume dominance in the land between the rivers. before什么时候前面后面都用一般过去式?是要看句子的意思对吗? 来啊 英语问题 在线等THIS MUSIC SOUNDS P___HOW IS YOUR MOTHER? SHE IS T___ILLWE CAN FINISH THE WORK AS SOON AS P___THE RIVER GOES T___THE MOUNTAINSTHERE IS SOMETHING IN TODAY'S N____ 我想问下doctor's(撇s)和doctors'(撇)有什么不同? 律 右半边读什么?律 右半边读音是什么? 缘的右半边怎么读 运动和力题目1.下列关于力的说法,正确的是()A只要两个物体接触,一定有力B不接触的物体间一定没有力C发生形变的物体一定受力2.吊在树枝上静止不动的物体,受到的重力的施力的物体是()3.两 ()木头 要填,动词,一个字 ()表演 填动词 一个字 木兰诗第五段用了哪些修辞手法 生活中哪些地方应用了小孔吸音的原理 It is repaired 和 It is being repaired有什么区别啊 英语难题填空1ever since people started to send objects into space more than 50 years ago ,there has been junk in space___But space junk is mainly made up of exploded rockets and broken satellite .A JUNK on earth like food wrappers is also a pro 英语填空难题,.1.根据文章填单词15分Once Einstein gave a lecture in many places in America. His driver always listened to him and knew the lecture so well that he was sure be could give it himself. So Einstein agreed that the driver g 帮我解决英语难题(填空)我英语很烂,希望谁能帮我!一、Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. (1)pursue (2)responsibility (3)grant (4)equip (5)restrict (6)distinct (7) minimu (8) ex 难题.英语、填空解析1ever since people started to send objects into space more than 50 years ago ,there has been junk in space___But space junk is mainly made up of exploded rockets and broken satellite .A JUNK on earth like food wrappers is 英语翻译Takaful is based on the idea that what is uncertain with respect to an individual may cease to be uncertain with respect to a very large number of similar individuals. 从邮局到医院用英语怎么说 米子旁 加 上一个 白色的白 那个叫什么字啊? 英语翻译各位评委老师好,我的名字是孙哲,我是一个北方女孩,性格活泼开朗,对一切事物都很执着,我从小学的时候就开始学习弹钢琴,这么多年了一直都持之以恒,我喜欢钢琴,因为它的声音可 E=mc²怎么读? “比赛”翻译成英语 六(2)班有25名同学,星期天到公园划船.现在有限乘3人和限乘2人的两种船,每条船不可以有空位.(列表) 六(2)班有25名同学,星期天到公园划船.现在有限乘3人和限乘2人的两种船,每条船不可以有空位.(列表)急!一定要列表! 25名同学,星期天公园划船.现在有限乘3人和限乘2人的两种船可供选择,每条船不能有空位,一共有多少种不同的安排方法? 我是正方,辩题是“去哪里比与谁行更重要”反方辩题是“与谁行比去哪里更重要”从何入手?麻烦高手指教 我是反方,辩题是“去哪里比与谁行更重要”反方辩题是“与何人行比去何方更重要” 一个框框里面有个傅的右半边念什么