
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:15:29
he who laughs last laugh best最后那个laugh要不要加s why to say:"He laughs last who laugh best "为什么说,谁笑到最后谁笑到最好呢? 在括号里填写动词( )风景 例子:(维持)生命( )园林( )环境 ( )自信(括号内填写动词) 贴吧里有哪些基本术语词?比如潜水啊等,刚开始玩. 英语翻译1.propeller compl.2.Con.term.board unit3.Fixing plate compl.4.Cable supp.grip unit5.Leakage detect.unit(FLS)6.Wear protection 用简结词语概括“和谐号潜水器” 华尔街英语服务质量差,可以退课返学费吗? how do you like China?——I have never( )therA.went B.been选哪个?为什么?He has already had had his breakfast.(改一般疑问句)( )he( )his breakfast ( ).括号中填什么? 一道英语时态题As you (approaching )the town the first b一道英语时态题As you (approaching )the town the first building you see is the church括号里的应该填这个吗还是别的时态 The first is ( ) approach ( )the twothe more helpful ,of the为什么不能去掉变成more helpful,后面为什么要用of the first building 的中文意思 They have been bargaining over work rules and staffing requirements那个staffing requirement的意思 我想取哥简单的英文男生名字我想取个简单的英文名字,但又不想和太多人重名.小弟的名是宏泽.我想要的是名而不是姓,而且可以和我自己的名读音有点相像.小弟马上要到外企工作,所以想有 People usually_________ _________ at the beginning of the year.人们通常会在年底制定时新年决心 people usually go to parties at New Year's day对划线部分提问 线划在go to parties上 取个英语名字.男生的.帅气点的我中文名字叫:张翔 ( )your father ( )(住在)in New York last year?按中文提示完成句子 l am a policeman new 用last year改写 I don`t feel ill now 请帮我翻译成中文 buck和dollar的区别 feel badly ill中badly的用法 some scientists in America have studied 12 pairs of peregrine falcons produced 47 eggs this spring with 37 hatchlings surviving to the banding age of three weeks,according to Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.3858想知道全 plenty of;a glass of;a few pairs of;a cup of;some 填空1.There are ( ) tablets on the table.2.There is still ( ) cough syrup in the bottle.3.There are ( ) socks in the box.4.There are ( ) vegetables in the basket.5.Would you like ( ) cola?( 法语 《简明》书里写着 指示形容词 有好几种 ce,cet,cette,ces,那第一课出现的那个c'est,笼统的表示这是法语 《简明》书里写着 指示形容词 有好几种 ce,cet,cette,ces,那第一课出现的那个c'est,笼统 il est certain qu`il fera beau demainfera是什么 ce,cet,cette,ces的区别? .I ' m always .中文 well中文 "well"的中文意思是什么? 英语翻译mp3/视频/觉得不错,想知道中文歌词Je suis l'dauphin d'la place Dauphine Et la place Blanche a mauvaise mine Les camions sont pleins de lait Les balayeurs sont pleins d'balais Il est cinq heures Paris s'éveille Paris s'éveille 谁能帮我翻译一下“La vie est très alésée